How to know if a problem in Windows 10 is hardware or software

  • Identifying the cause of the problem in Windows 10 is crucial, whether it is hardware or software.
  • Booting into Safe Mode allows you to assess the problem with only essential software.
  • If the problem persists in safe mode, it is most likely due to damaged hardware.
  • For software issues, test applications gradually to find the source of the failure.

Windows 10

Sometime We are going to have a problem or we have already had a problem in Windows 10. When this occurs, it is very important to know whether the problem is with the software or with the hardware. Since depending on the origin it has, the solution and the way to fix it will be different. But it is not always easy to know this. Luckily, there is a way.

In Windows 10 we have a method that will allow us know if a problem that has arisen in our computer is hardware or software. In this way we will be able to apply the appropriate solution depending on the cause of this failure.

The way to know if a problem in Windows 10 is hardware or software is really simple. What we have to do is to boot the computer in safe mode. When we do this, what the computer does is boot with only the necessary software.

Boot Windows Safe Mode

In this way, we will be able to carry out the tests that we consider pertinent to be able to know the origin of this failure in our computer. If once we have done tests and the problem is still present, most likely a hardware problem.

In this case, we may have to repair or replace a damaged component. We can go to a technician or to the site where we buy it, as long as it is under warranty. They will carry out the computer fix and the failure will be a thing of the past in this way.

If the fault is software, the solution in Windows 10 is to launch the applications little by little what's on the computer, until we see that one doesn't work well. Thus, we can precisely determine the origin of this failure in our equipment. It may take time, but it is a very effective way to find out.

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