Bluetooth is an increasingly common feature on laptops. Although not all the models that we can currently buy have this function. Therefore, if we already have one or are thinking of buying a computer, it is good to know if it has these characteristics or not. If you already have a laptop, there are several ways you can check this.
Here we tell you the ways in which it is possible check if your laptop has Bluetooth or not. All of them very simple, but they will be extremely useful in these cases, when you want to know whether or not this feature is present in it.
Bluetooth icon
One of the simplest ways there is is check if the Bluetooth icon is on the taskbar. On the right side of it, next to the time and the volume and WiFi icons, this icon usually appears as well. Therefore, if we go to the taskbar and see that it is not there, it is possible that the computer does not have this feature in it. What is a detail to take into account.
That this icon is not displayed on the taskbar not a 100% guarantee. It may happen that it does not appear or that it only appears when Bluetooth is activated. So it is a fast way, but it does not mean in a definitive way that we do not have it.
Device administrator
A method that we can use in all versions of Windows. Use device manager It is a way to know if our laptop has Bluetooth or not. Depending on the version of the operating system you have installed, the way to get there is different. Although you can use in all cases the search engine in the start menu to access it. A new window will then open on the screen, where we have said administrator.
In it we will see that there is a list with all the hardware that we have installed in our laptop. So what we have to do is to search for Bluetooth in this list. If we find it on the list, it means that our computer has this feature, so we can use it. It may happen that it is not seen directly, but if we click on the network adapters section then it will be seen that we have this function or not. If in neither case is it seen, then we don't have.
Check laptop specifications
Another simple method that we can always resort to, either in a laptop that we have or if we are thinking of buying a new one. Check the specifications of said laptop It will let us know if it has Bluetooth or not. In addition, to access this information we have many different ways today, so it is something very simple in this regard.
We can use the papers from the laptop itself, where we usually have all the information about it, and in this way know if it has Bluetooth or not. In addition, we can always go to the website of the manufacturer or brand of this computer. In this case, we only have to go to their website and enter the model we have, where we can see the complete specifications of it. So in a matter of a couple of minutes we will be able to access this information.
Furthermore, we cannot forget that we can google. Many pages write about laptops, so we can find their specifications easily with a couple of clicks. Thus, we will have access to this information and know if the laptop we have or the one we plan to buy has or does not have Bluetooth. If we are thinking of buying one, we can also consult the web pages of the stores in which it is for sale, they usually also have this information.