How do you know if you've been blocked on Messenger?

  • Messenger allows silent blocking without explicit notifications.
  • Lack of access to the profile image indicates a possible block.
  • Not being able to send messages to a contact may suggest blocking.
  • Lack of last seen information is another sign that you have been blocked.

How to know if you've been blocked on Messenger

Messenger is the messaging option that was derived from Facebook's private messages and that, today, represents a totally independent app. Through it you will have the possibility to communicate instantly with any of your contacts, share files and even make video calls. Besides, Like any other messaging solution, there is the possibility of avoiding contact with any user, for privacy and security reasons. For this reason, today we want to talk about how to know if you have been blocked on Messenger, recognizing various signs that will allow us to identify the situation.

Block is an option available on any platform with social aspects and interaction with other people. Messenger is no exception and therefore, it is worth knowing what are the symptoms that indicate that we have been blocked.

How do you know if you've been blocked on Messenger? 4 signs

The block option on the various social networks and platforms is usually silent, that is, when you block someone, there are no explicit signals that this has happened, such as a notification. However, if we pay attention to the environment and some patterns present, we can conclude that we have been blocked. In that sense, below we show you what the signs are.

Can't find the user on the platform

Not finding a person on Messenger or Facebook can mean 3 things:

  • You have disabled the possibility of being found.
  • You have deleted your account.
  • You have been blocked.

Try looking for the user in question among your friends and also in the search tool. If you do not get any results, you could check if the account exists or not in order to determine that, in fact, you cannot find it because it has been blocked.

You can't send him messages

Messenger's primary function is to send instant messages, so if you can't do it with a certain user, it's a sign that you may have been blocked. To check this, all you have to do is find the chat you have with the person in question and try to reply to a message or send a new one. The messages in this app go through states of sent, delivered and read, so if the one you send is never delivered, it indicates that you have probably been blocked.

How to know if you have been blocked on Messenger is a combination of factors, where the sum of all of them can indicate whether or not it has happened. In that sense, pay attention to the other symptoms to build a conclusion about it.

Don't see profile picture

If you can't find a user through the search tool, you can do it using Google and the direct link of the profile. Let's remember that Facebook accounts are Internet pages that have their own link that allows us to reach it quickly. In this way, another sign of having been blocked is entering the page of the user in question and not seeing his profile picture.

When we are blocked, the platform removes all access to the information of the user who applies the block and the image to display is part of this information.

Don't see the last connection time

Starting from the same previous principle, the platform blocks our access to any data or information about the user in question.. Another example for this is in the sample of the connection time, which in case of having been blocked, we will not have the possibility to see.

Although this may have been previously disabled by the person, adding it to the factors we mentioned above can give us a clear sign that we have been blocked.

What to do if you are blocked on Messenger?

The clearest and most concise answer to this question is: nothing. There is a universe of reasons why someone would block us on Messenger and each case is particular, so it is worth acting based on this. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that we cannot control the actions of other people, nor the way in which they manage their platforms. So, the best thing to do in this situation is to avoid establishing new contacts with alternate accounts or on other social networks..

How to know if you have been blocked in Messenger is quite simple, if we do the checks that we mentioned before. However, once this is verified, we can only take actions to avoid future blocks, such as:

  • Be respectful and considerate in the interactions you have on social networks.
  • Avoid inappropriate language.
  • Do not enter bullying and harassment online.

Messenger is a tool that has managed to establish itself in user preferences and its privacy and security elements are proof of this.. Although we can determine with certain verifications that we have been blocked, the platform in a silent and transparent way to avoid controversy and other inconveniences.

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