Something that we have all done many times is go online in search of the lyrics of a song that we liked. But the opposite case can also happen: we know the lyrics or at least part of them, although we do not know what the title of the song or its artist is. Well, in this post we are going to explain How to know which song those lyrics that we have in our head belong to.
There are web pages that allow us to carry out all types of searches for song lyrics. They are truly useful resources, because The human brain does not always store all the information it receives as if it were a computer hard drive.. It selects the data by usefulness criteria, archiving some and sending others to the trash, so to speak. For that reason, many times we only manage to remember a small fragment of a song.
In any case, new technologies allow us to search for a song based on its lyrics, or part of them, in a matter of seconds. Going even further, we can also know who the author is, the artist and even what album it is included in. These are the tools that will help us:
The first option: Google
This is the first place to look. In fact, it's where most people go first for searches of any kind, not just music and lyrics. No need to explain how to use it Google. For what interests us in this post, simply enough Enter that phrase or fragment of the song lyrics and press Enter to obtain the results we expect.
In order to make the search more refined, It is convenient to add the word "lyrics" or "lyrics" to the text. Most of the time we will be offered links to the song's video clip on YouTube. Obviously, the more exact the song fragment we enter, the more precise the search results will be.
An added advantage that the popular search engine provides us is that, if the lyrics are in another language, we can translate it automatically. Also in YouTube It is possible to perform similar searches, which will take us directly to the videos of each of the songs.
Other tools to find out a song from the lyrics
Although Google is very practical and effective, surely if you have come to this article it is because you expect to find solutions that are a little more sophisticated or little known. Below we offer you a selection of pages (there are many more, but these are the best) highly recommended for recognize songs or know which song a certain lyric belongs to:
Find Music by Lyrics
Well, the name of this website says it all: Find Music by Lyrics, that is, finding muisca by the letter. We placed it as the first on the list because it is the only page in our selection dedicated solely and exclusively to this task. Its aesthetic is very simple, you could almost say Spartan: a box in which to enter text and a button. That is all that is needed to perform the search.
It is a simple tool, but tremendously effective. And totally free. The only drawback that can be found, apart from its rudimentary appearance, is that it contains abundant advertising.
Link: Find Music by Lyrics
Another interesting option. It contains an immense archive of song lyrics from all artists and musical genres. One of the possibilities it offers us is to search for the title of a song based on a fragment of its lyrics.
It is true that the search bar on the home page of this website is designed to enter the name of a song or a singer or musical group. But we can also use it to identify a song by its lyrics, writing in it the words or phrases that we remember. Then, just press Enter and all the matching results from its huge database will appear below.
A good option when it comes to songs in English. It is one of the most used specialized websites in the world, as well as one of the oldest. It doesn't matter if our level of English is high or low, because its use is very simple and intuitive.
In addition to this, It also has a practical application for Android mobile devices. So that the search for the title of that song that eludes us is as easy as possible, consulting the information from our own smartphone.
This is without a doubt the most peculiar option on our list. What makes it different Midomi It is the way that this website offers us to find the title of the song we are looking for. Here it is not about writing the lyrics or part of them, but about singing, whistling or humming them.
Obviously, we have to do it as best as possible, to help the website understand the melody we are trying to convey. If we do it moderately well, the information will be filtered through the enormous database on the web and, in a matter of a few seconds, the results organized in a list will appear on the screen. It seems like magic, but it works.
Link: Midomi
To close the list, a mobile application that openly boasts of being "the best and largest catalog of song lyrics in the world." Available both on iOS and Android, Musixmatch It is a very simple instrument to use and works like a charm to find the title of a song based only on a fragment of its lyrics.
All we have to do is enter that part of the song lyrics that we know to start the search. In a matter of seconds, the app will give us a long list of results. On the other hand, Musixmatch has a section where it is possible to add new song lyrics to the tool and thus contribute to further expanding the musical content of this community.
Link: Musixmatch