How to make a good CV

  • The Curriculum Vitae is essential to stand out in selection processes.
  • Writing a CV tailored to each position increases your chances of success.
  • The presentation should be clear, with a clean design and without errors.
  • Include relevant information: experience, skills and appropriate references.

make a resume

The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the letter of introduction of any person when it comes to apply for a job. When a company publishes a job offer, it receives applications from hundreds of people. How to make them notice us? How to stand out from the others? The first and fundamental thing is to know how to make a good resume.

It is essential to offer a good first impression and thus overcome the filter that allows us to access the personal interview or continue in the selection process. And, although the company's final decision to hire you depends on many factors, a quality CV will give us numerous advantages.

The main objective is to clearly communicate what our skills, knowledge and experience are. Convey what value we can contribute to the company to which we aspire to be hired. First of all, A CV must be sincere and reflect reality. It will be of little use to lie or exaggerate some aspects, because by doing this we would only be harming ourselves.

It is especially interesting Write your resume thinking about the job you want to apply for. Instead of having the same document for everything, it is more effective to adapt it according to the characteristics of each position we aspire to.

Another relevant aspect is the conciseness. The people in charge of the selection processes do not want to be faced with voluminous documents full of dispensable data. It is recommended that our CV be no longer than two pages., where everything important is clearly and summarized. There will be time to go into details in subsequent interviews or tests.

Finally, it goes without saying that the CV must have a good presentation. It cannot contain spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Additionally, it has to be pleasing to the eye. A good idea is to use the Microsoft resume templates, which can be of great help to us. Here you have some options:

Best free resume templates

Tips for making a good CV


Beyond all these general considerations, there are a series of guidelines that are worth following when preparing a CV with guarantees. Follow these tips so that your Curriculum Vitae helps you get the job you are applying for:

Design and Format

The lines to follow are clarity and simplicity. It is preferable to use a template with a clean and professional design, avoid colors that are too strident and always use a perfectly legible font.

Regarding the structure, the document must be divided into well defined sections: personal data, academic training, work experience, skills, etc. And when it comes to CV length, one or two pages is usually more than enough.

Data message

The basic information that should be included in a CV is the following: full name, address and contact methods (phone number and email). Optionally, you can add an account on social networks, but only if what the person carrying out the personnel selection will find there is interesting and appropriate.

The photo is essential. But it must be a professional image that offers the best image of us as future workers of the company to which we are applying. No frivolous or funny photos, not those with low quality or where our face cannot be seen well.

Professional Profile

This is what is often known as "aim". It is a small text, brief and concise, that is inserted at the beginning of the CV and in which we very succinctly reflect our main skills, our experience and our professional objectives. Essential to make a good CV.

Academic training

Our studies. It should be mentioned the schools and universities through which we have gone, with the dates corresponding to the development of our studies and the degrees obtained. In addition to the academic data, it is good to add the specific courses carried out, as long as they are relevant to the job for which we are applying.

Work experience

We must present our experience in previous jobs following the reverse chronological order, that is, first we have to include our most recent work, then the previous one, and so on.

What should we mention about our previous works? Only the really relevant data: the name of the company, the position we have held in it, the start and end dates, as well as a brief description of our responsibilities. A practical tip: you must also include the achievements made, if there were any.


In this section we include all the knowledge and skills that can add positively to the job we aspire to. These can be Technical abilities (for example, the use of a specific computer program) or soft skills" (teamwork, leadership skills, etc.).

Don't forget to include in your CV your knowledge about Windows. If we are applying for certain jobs, this can be a highly valued skill.


Although they could be included in the previous section, it may be much more effective to separate them. Especially if we can speak more than three languages. On the list we must indicate our level of competence (basic, intermediate, advanced, native) and not exaggerate our abilities.


Finally, when writing a good CV, it may be interesting to include a brief section indicating that references are available upon request, instead of mentioning contacts directly in the CV.

Before sending the CV

how to make a cv

Well, you have now finished making the Curriculum Vitae and you are preparing to send it to the contact of the company that offers the job you want to obtain. Before taking the last step, take a moment to review the document to correct possible grammatical and spelling errors that could have escaped us.

Finally, if you are going to send the CV in digital format, always choose the PDF to be sure that the content will not be modified and can be perfectly readable, regardless of the device on which it will be opened.

That's it for our advice, which will surely be of great help to you. We wish you much success in your job search.

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