It is common for us to work with photos on our Windows computer. There may be times when we want a photo to weigh less. Since it may be too heavy to work with, or when uploading it on a website, the weight is too much. Luckily, we have a number of ways to achieve this on the computer.
Since we can install programs in Windows with which to make a photo weigh less. But we also have other online tools that will comply with the same operation in a simple way. Therefore, you can reduce the size of said photo without any problem. You will be able to choose the option that you like the most in this case.
Programs for Windows
In the case of wanting to have a program always available on the computer, we have several options. Although there are a couple of them that stand out above the rest in terms of operation. One of them is FILEMinimizer Pictures, which stands out for allowing images to be compressed, so that their weight will be reduced in a simple way. The good thing is that it has several levels of compression, so that we can choose the one that best suits what we are looking for. In addition, it is compatible with the main photo formats that we use on a daily basis. It can be downloaded here.
On the other hand, we have a second very helpful tool, which is JPEGMini. Thanks to this program we can reduce the weight of a photo in a very simple way, without losing quality in said photo, something that is undoubtedly of enormous importance. So it can be of help to many people. Although in this case it is a program that has a clear limitation, because it works only with those photos in JPG / JPEG format. It can be downloaded at this link.
This second program has several payment plans, so it is intended more for professional users. Although there is the possibility of trying it for free, to see if it is something that is considered useful. But it's worth giving it a try and taking such a free trial.
Online tools
On the other hand, it is possible that there are users who do not want to use a program on the computer, because it takes up space. The truth is that we don't have to install anything. Since we can make a photo weigh less with online tools. We have web pages that will be of enormous help to us in this process of reducing the weight of the photos we want. There may be some that sound familiar to you.
TinyPNG is possibly the most popular that we find in this case. Since it is a website that has a really simple operation. We can upload photos on it and the web will make sure it weighs less. It works very well in this sense, as well as being very fast in reducing the weight of the image in question. Although it must be taken into account that the maximum weight that a photo can have is 5 MP. Also, only 20 photos can be uploaded at one time. Then you have to refresh the web. What limits for many users the functionality of the web. You can visit it at this link.
Web Resizer is another option that we have available on this occasion. It is a good website to consider, although it is something to do with individual photos, not to reduce the weight of several. Therefore, if you want to reduce the weight of a specific photo, then it is a good website to use. Since it allows us to work with said photo in a simple way in many ways. In addition to reducing the weight, it is possible to make some changes to it, such as adjusting the brightness or the measurements of it. Another good website that we can use without problem on the computer. You can visit it in this link.