If you are a Windows user, it is very likely that you have used the application Power point to make a presentation, and that is, PowerPoint is one of the most prominent and well-known tools from Microsoft. Although it was initially only available for the Windows operating system, now you can find it on others like MacOS and even Android. Is an application very useful for presenting slidesWhether it's for class work, research or simply chatting, with PowerPoint you'll be able to organize the information in a highly visual and practical way to better convey the message and what you want to convey. If you still do not have this tool you can get it at this website.
The great difference of this application with respect to other similar ones is its great variety of options and themes to get the most out of each slide. It has multiple designs, animations, themes and tools to insert graphics, images and everything you can think of. In short, a large number of options and combinations to create and design presentations of all kinds. If you want to learn how to make advanced presentations, we recommend that you continue reading this article in which we will provide you with valuable information about tips and advice that you can use to get the most out of PowerPoint and design quality presentations in an easy and simple way. .
How to make a PowerPoint presentation step by step
Below we will show you step by step how to design a PowerPoint presentation so that you can quickly learn from scratch if you are new to using this tool, but it will also help you if you know how to use it since we will give you very valuable advice so that you can make the most of this incredible application.
Step 1: Create a presentation
The first step when we open the application is create a file, selecting the option «New" on the menu. Here we can choose if we want a basic presentation or use preset themes and layouts that we can download to use later in our presentation. If you are going to make a presentation on a specific topic or with a very specific organization, for example create a calendar or an organizational chart, you can search for this layout in the menu to make your editing work much easier. If you choose a blank theme, you can later modify it along with the rest of the variables that we will discuss later. Once created, every time we want to access the presentation to edit it or simply use it, we will have to go to the option «Open» and select the file we want.
Step 2: Choose a design
Once we have created our file we will have to choose a slide design so that our presentation is much better and we can attract even more public attention. The slide design includes the font, although you can also change it later, and the background of the slide, as well as the organization of the text boxes and frame details. Without a doubt, it is a very useful tool for not using a white background since it offers many possibilities so that you can choose the one that you like the most and that adapts to the theme of your presentation.
In addition, It has a designer function, in which you can customize your own design starting from scratch or using another of those available in the application. You will be able to configure the size of the slides and change the background to edit it to your liking, both the color and the degree of filling.
To choose the design you will have to select the drop-down «Design«, located in the top menu of the application. When we press this option, a drop-down menu will open where we can choose the design that we like the most, or edit and make our own. Remember that you can always modify it later if you are not convinced.
Step 3: Add slides
The next step is to add slides and information to complete our PowerPoint. You can add as many slides as you need, duplicate them, and even move them from one place to another to change the order. Besides, you can modify them whenever you want if you want to add additional information or make changes to the slides and their design.
To add slides you can select the option «Insert» in the menu, where the option «New slide«. Here allows you select the text boxes according to those that you have already determined previously so that you do not have to modify them when inserting text. You can also add slides by right-clicking and selecting this same option on the menu on the left where the ones you've already created appear.
Regarding the text, our recommendation is that you use the slides schematically, trying not to use long sentences as it can be difficult to read and resorting to diagrams, arrows and other elements that can facilitate understanding by readers using words and short phrases that encompass and summarize all the information. Remember that a PowerPoint presentation should be something visual.
Step 4: Add animations and transitions
Once we've done all the steps above and added all the slides and information to our presentation, it's time to start using advanced functions that will give a much more natural, animated and visual touch to our PowerPoint. In this section we will talk about how to use the transitions between slides, as well as their own animations.
PowerPoint offers the ability to add animated transitions when moving from one slide to another during the presentation. You will be able to choose between multiple options, as well as you can configure the duration of the transition and the sound that you want to add to it. Finally, you also have the possibility to choose if you add the transition to all the slides, or just to some specific ones. To select the one you like the most, just click on the button «Transitions» and you can see a preview.
As for the text animations, you will have to select the option «Animations» and click on a text box to display the different possibilities. As with the transitions, you will also be able to select the time and sound that you want.
Step 5: Submit
The last step when we have already completed all the slides and added the transitions and animations that we want is present our PowerPoint. Our recommendation is that before doing it in front of the public, you check for yourself how it turned out to see if something needs to be changed or corrected.
To present our PowerPoint we can do it by pressing the key F5, or from the top menu by clicking on the option «present with slides«. Here we can select if we want to start the presentation from the beginning, from the current slide or make a custom presentation, as well as configure other more advanced aspects.