How to make a program not run when starting Windows 10

  • Disabling programs at startup improves system performance.
  • Identifying applications that run at startup is crucial to optimizing startup.
  • Task Manager allows you to manage applications that affect startup.
  • The process is similar on Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Start menu folders

Many are the users who wonder how to make a program does not run when starting windows 10 or Windows 11, or any other version of Windows. In this way, we will get our computer to start faster by reducing the number of applications that run when Windows starts.

There are many applications that, when we install them, have the habit of installing them in the start menu of our computer.

Although the developers of the applications do it with good intentions, in the long run it is a problem for our team since it affects its performance.

And I say that they do it with good intentions, because in this way, they reduce the time that the application takes to open once we are going to use it.

The problem is that we are not always going to use these applications on a day-to-day basis. In addition, the loading time of the applications does not really compensate for the extra minutes or seconds that our team takes to launch those applications.

What applications run when you start the computer

First of all, the first thing we need to know is what applications are started on our computer. In this way, we can make a list with all the applications that we can eliminate from the start of our computer.

If you want to check which are the applications that start every time we start our computer, we must carry out the steps that I show you below as soon as we start our computer.

Windows login applications

  • On the right side of the taskbar, click on the triangle facing upwards and missing the bottom.
  • Next, all the applications that are currently open on our computer in the background will be displayed.
  • To know the name of the applications, we must place the mouse arrow on top of each icon.

If we carry out this process when we have been working with our computer for a while, it can show applications that, when opened for the first time, have remained open in the background, even though they do not run when the computer starts.

Which apps have the biggest impact on Windows startup

If you are not very clear about which are the applications that most affect the startup of Windows, we can obtain this information from Windows, following the steps that I show you below.

biggest impact on Windows startup

  • First, we press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  • Of the four options displayed, click on Task Manager.
  • Next, click on the tab Home.
  • Next, click on Start Impact (fourth column).
  • At that time, the applications of highest to lowest impact at the beginning of our team.

The impact at the start It is measured in the time it takes to open. the applications. Generally, the longer time is due to the applications requiring an internet connection to update and display the latest information available.

Remove apps from Windows 10 startup startup

Windows 8 has been one of the worst versions of Windows, with permission of Windows Vista.

With the release of this version of Windows, Microsoft began to implement the new design that, much improved, finished in Windows 10 and improved, even more, in Windows 11.

This design change affected the method of accessing and removing applications from the Windows start menu.

Although it is true that we can access the System Configuration options through msconfig, the possibility of accessing the Windows Start is disabled.

This forces us to resort to another method to be able to eliminate the elements of the start menu.

If you want to remove applications from the Windows 10 start menu, we must perform the steps that I show you below:

Disable Windows Start Menu Apps

  • First, we press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  • Of the four options displayed, click on Task Manager.
  • Next, click on the Home tab.
  • Next, we click on the application that we want to remove from the start menu.
  • To remove it from Windows startup, we go to the bottom right of that window and click on the button Disable.

Once we have deactivated all the applications that we do not want to start with Windows, we can close that window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.

How to add apps back to the start menu

If for any reason, we have decided that if we are interested in any of the applications that we have removed from the start menu starting again, we must follow the steps that I show you below:

  • First, we press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  • Of the four options displayed, click on Task Manager.
  • Next, click on the tab Home.
  • Next, we click on the application that we want to include again at Windows startup.
  • To remove it from Windows startup, we go to the bottom right of that window and click on the button Enable.

Once we have activated all the applications that we want to start with Windows, we can close that window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.

Remove apps from Windows 11 startup startup

The process to remove apps from the start menu in Windows 11 is the same as in Windows 10.

Remove apps from Windows 8.x boot startup

As with Windows 11, the process for removing apps from Windows 8.x is the same as Windows 10.

Remove apps from Windows 7 startup startup

Windows 7 has been one of the best versions of Windows in history. As a Windows user since version 3.11, I am knowledgeable enough to say so.

With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft once again did its homework very well. Fortunately, with Windows 11, Microsoft has been able to continue the excellent work it did with Windows 10.

To remove applications from the Windows 7 start menu, we must perform the following steps:

  • First, we click on the start button, in the search box, we write msconfig and press the Enter key.
  • Next, a System Configuration window will be displayed.
  • Next, we must click on the Windows Start tab.
  • Within this tab, we must disable all the applications that we do not want to run when we start Windows.

Finally, we click on Apply for the changes to be saved.

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