Windows 10 has a screen capture tool. It is a basic good and for this reason it makes some tools of this type, such as Greenshot, very popular to have a more advanced one in utilities.
The problem with these tools is that they can only be used on the desktop, so they cannot be used for take a screenshot of the lock screen or the login screen in Windows 10. In order to take a screenshot of these two screens, you need to use the Print Screen key and the clipping key.
How to take a screenshot of the lock screen
- Let's lock the system with the shortcut key Windows + L
- When the screen is locked, click on the Print Screen key on the keyboard
- Now is the time to unlock the system with the same key as before
- We launched the Paint app Windows
- We click on the «Paste» button or the combination of Ctrl + V keys to paste the screenshot
This functionality not available for home screen session. You cannot use the Print Screen key or the Windows + Print Screen combination to capture the lock screen. Although there is a way to do it with the tool known as «Snipping».
How to take a screenshot of the home screen
In order to use this tool to capture the home screen, you will have to touch windows registry (you can open it in three different ways). You need to be able to use the tool from the home screen.
- Open the Windows registry and go to this location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Image File Execution Options
- Create a new key via edit button> New> Password and name it utilman.exe
- The following is within the created key. You must create a new string value and name it Debugger
- You have to put this value:
C: \ Windows \ System32 \ SnippingTool.exe
- Lock the system with Windows + L and go to the home lock screen. Click on the access button and the snipping tool will launch
- You have to use it to capture the entire screen. It will be saved to the clipboard and we carry out the same previous process with the Paint program