How to make my Facebook private

  • Facebook allows you to customize privacy in posts and profile.
  • Users can control who sees their personal information.
  • There are options to limit access to friend requests and comments.
  • It is possible to hide sensitive data such as email and phone number.

private facebook

Facebook it remains one of the most popular social networks in the world, with nearly three billion user accounts. For many of them, privacy and security are among their biggest concerns. All of them have at their disposal a series of options to make your Facebook private.

And it is that not everyone has the same preferences when configuring the privacy of the profile data or the publications that are shared. Each user is a world. For this reason, Facebook offers in this sense numerous configuration options that adapt to the needs of each user.

Privacy in Facebook posts

When we ask ourselves the question of "how to make my Facebook private?", most of the time we are thinking about how to hide the display of our publications. Every time we publish new content, we have the possibility to choose who we want to see it, although it is more comfortable set a default setting for all our posts.

To do so, we just have to click on the icon of our profile, at the end of the top bar of Facebook, and select the option "Settings and Privacy". There we can select that our publications are public or that they are restricted only to our Facebook friends (all or those who are in one or more specific lists).

More privacy options

Beyond the publications, we can also configure some Facebook parameters to have greater control over our privacy. We explain them below:

Who can find us on Facebook

facebook privacy

In the same “Settings and Privacy” tab that we have alluded to in the previous section, you can establish a series of parameters to establish who can find you on Facebook. For this we have to go to "Meta Privacy Center" and choose the "Facebook Settings" option, where we will see the following options:

  • Who can send you friend requests? All or only friends of my friends.
  • Who can see your friends list? Everyone (public), only friends, only friends except those we exclude, only friends we choose, only me, etc.
  • Who can look you up with the email address you provided? Everyone, friends, friends of friends or just me.
  • Who can look you up with the phone number you provided? Everyone, friends, friends of friends or just me.
  • Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile? If we want it to be so, we will check the box that appears just below this question.

Who can comment on our Facebook

facebook filters

Comment, like or use the other emojis to react to the publications that we are uploading. We can also decide who can do this and who can't. For this we first go to "Settings and privacy", from there to "Settings" and then to "Public Postings". We will access a screen like the one shown above.

Among the options that appear there are those to choose who can follow us and who can comment on our publications.

Who can see and write on my profile

facebook profile

Following the same steps explained in the previous section, in the right column we have the option to "Profile and labeling", which takes us to the screen shown above. In it, we will be able to select who can see our Facebook profile as well as who can see what others post on our profile.

Other interesting options are to hide posts that contain certain words or to give permission (or not) to third parties to share our posts in their stories. In this section there is also the possibility of deciding who can see the publications in which we are tagged on our profile.

And if what we want is avoid being tagged in a photo without our consent, we have two boxes that we can activate or deactivate:

  • Review the posts we were tagged in before they appear on our profile.
  • Review the tags that people add to our posts before they appear on Facebook.

Hide our personal data on Facebook

facebook profile data

On the main Facebook profile configuration page, a series of information about us appears: account name, name and surname, email, telephone number, etc. Let's see how you can manage the privacy of this information:

enter a phone number It can be very useful if you do not remember the password or have problems accessing our account from another device, as we will receive a security code to the number that we have provided. However, it may not be convenient for someone other than our friends to have our number.

With email, address or date of birth exactly the same thing happens. With the "Edit" button we can choose who to hide and who to show this information.


In short, it can be said that Facebook offers many options to prevent our information from being accessible to those who we do not want them to know. Using the different configuration and visibility options wisely will be the best way to have everything under control.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.