How to open a command prompt window in Windows 10

  • There are several ways to open the command prompt in Windows 10.
  • Searching in Cortana is one of the quickest and easiest methods.
  • The Win+R key combination opens the run window.
  • The Start menu also provides right-click access to the Command Prompt.

Windows 10

On more than one occasion, as you can see in these tutorials, we need make use of a command prompt window in Windows 10. It is necessary to be able to carry out certain processes. Therefore, it is important to know how we can open one at that time when we need it. The good part is, we have a couple of ways to do this.

Thus, you will know at all times the way in which we can access a command prompt window when we have to carry out a process. Each of these ways is useful, although there are some that are faster than others.

So it depends on your personal preferences, if you are looking for something that is much faster and simpler, or if you prefer to do things step by step. Depending on what you are looking for, we can access this command prompt window in Windows 10 in different ways.

Search box

Symbol of the system

The first of the ways is one of the simplest that we can find. Enough with etype command prompt in Cortana's search box in the taskbar on the computer. In a matter of a few seconds we will get the options that match this search, among which we find the option to run and open a command prompt window in Windows 10. Comfortable and always effective.

Using this same method, we can also write cmd in the search box. The result will be the same and will take us to the window we are looking for. Both ways are equally valid in this situation.

Run window


The second of the ways is one that works perfectly, although it will take us a little more time. So it is not suitable for those users who have little patience. What we must do is first open an advantage to run in Windows 10. To do this, we use the key combination Win + R and this run-on-screen advantage will open. In it, in the line that we get, we must write cmd and then we give enter.

Doing this will open in a matter of a few seconds a command prompt window. Not that it's a slow option, but it takes a bit longer and there is an extra step. Therefore, many users may not like to use it.

Menu within the start menu

Symbol of the system

When we right-click on the start menu button in Windows 10, we get a new menu. We can access this menu using a combination of keys, which in this case is Win + X. Then this menu will come out, with all the options that are present in it. One of the options that will appear in the list will be the command prompt.

Although it must be said that not always all users get this option in this menu. I do not know why it happens, but on other computers I have been able to see how when using this method the command prompt window option did not appear. So there may be users who do not appear on the screen.

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