How to open an application multiple times in Windows 10

  • It is possible to open multiple instances of applications in Windows 10 easily.
  • A new instance can be opened by right-clicking on the taskbar icon.
  • Another option is to use the middle mouse button to open instances.
  • This trick is useful and handy to improve multitasking in Windows 10.

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It is very possible that on some occasion you need open more than one instance of some application in Windows 10. When we have said application anchored in the taskbar, the logical thing is to think that clicking on its icon will open a new instance of it. Although this is not the case, but there is a simple way to do it.

In this way, we can open multiple instances of any application in Windows 10 in a very simple way. We tell you how this is possible on our computer, using a simple trick. Many users do not know it, but it can be very useful on more than one occasion.

In this sense, we will have to already have an instance of the application in question open and that its icon can be seen on the Windows 10 taskbar. In this way we can already resort to the trick in question that we need in this case, which is really very easy to use, just a click and a key.

Since what we can do is right click on that icon and click on its name again. This then allows us to open a new instance of said application in question. Although it is not the only way to do it, because there is another combination that gives us the same result.

We can click with the middle mouse button. If you don't have such a button, you can left-click while holding down the Shift key. This allows us to open a new instance of any application on our Windows 10 computer.

As you can see, it is a very simple trick, but to which we can get a lot out of it in this case. So do not hesitate to use it if you need to open several instances of any application in Windows 10. With this method it will be possible at any time.

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