When scanning documents, both from Windows and from macOS, we can use different formats to store these types of files. However, not all files offer us the same benefits when working with them, that is, when search, extract images ...
The most used format in .pdf, a format that has become standard within computing, and especially, when making telematic communications. However, this is not the ideal format for storing scanned document images, as it does not offer us the same versatility as .djvu files.
The .djvu format was born precisely as a more versatile alternative to .pdf, so its main use is for document scanning, since it offers separation by layers of images, compression with loss of images in two colors, progressive loading ... This format, like others little used, like.web, not natively compatible with Windows 10, so if we are forced to work with these types of files, we have to download a third-party application.
One of the best solutions we have at our disposal, and which is also free is called djvulibre, an application that allows us to open this type of file although we cannot save it in other formats, for this, we can make use of other applications available in the Microsoft Store
If in addition to opening this type of format, you want convert it to .PDF format, in the Microsoft Store we have the application at our disposal djvu to pdf, an application that has a price of 4,99 euros in the Windows application store. The application requires an internet connection to function, since the conversion process is carried out on the company's servers.
Thank you very much for your help, the installation was very easy and the result was very good.