How to open Edge, Chrome and Firefox in full screen

  • Navigation bars have been reduced, improving the browsing experience.
  • Browsing in full screen maximizes the display of content.
  • Modern browsers have easy options to enable full screen.
  • Accessing the address bar is easy without leaving full screen mode.

navigate full screen

Years ago, especially in the first decade of the 2000s, when the Internet began to reach millions of users around the world, the continuous nightmare of many was the navigation bars that were installed in browsers and that, as the monitors had a much lower resolution than the current one, they took away almost half of the screen.

As the years have passed, those hateful navigation bars have been disappearingThanks in large part to browser developers, navigating without vision-reducing items on the screen is a pleasure. However, it can still be better if we use a full screen browser.

Use Edge in full screen

  • Pressing the F11 key (or fn + F11)
  • Through the menu options, clicking on the diagonal date that points to both sides, the Zoom function located just to the right.

Use Chrome in full screen

To show the Chrome browser in full screen we have two options:

  • Pressing the F11 key (or fn + F11)
  • Through the menu options, by clicking on the icon to the right of the Zoom function.

Use Firefox in full screen

  • Pressing the F11 key (or fn + F11)
  • Through the menu options, by clicking on the diagonal date that points to both sides, the Size function located just to the right.

To deactivate the full screen mode, we just have to follow the same steps.

If we want to access the address bar, without leaving full-screen mode, to check the bookmarks or write the web address of the page we want to visit, we just have to move the mouse to the top screen of the screen to display the top of the browser.

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