We show you how to play old games on Windows 10

  • Windows 10 offers several alternatives for playing older games, adapting to different needs.
  • Compatibility Mode allows you to run games in an environment suitable for older versions.
  • DosBox is an MS-DOS emulator that makes it easy to run older applications.
  • Create a virtual machine to play classic titles without compatibility issues.

Windows has been on the market for more than 20 years and that means that, within its environment, countless programs, applications and games have paraded. If we focus specifically on the latter, we realize that there are a number of gems that, due to compatibility issues, we can no longer run normally on new versions of the operating system. Therefore, today we want to show you how to play old games on Windows 10 through different alternatives.

It is common that over the years, many games stopped being updated until they met the execution requirements of the new versions of Windows. However, there are some options that can help us revive those old games on our computer.

How to play old games on Windows 10?

When it comes to Windows, there may be different paths to the same goal. The idea is that you take the one that best suits your resources, needs and knowledge. On that note, we are going to detail some ways to play old games on Windows 10.

Compatibility mode

Compatibility Mode is an option built in by Microsoft since Windows 7, with the purpose of running applications that only worked in older versions. In this way, the system generated an environment with all the requirements that the application needed to be deployed.

This is a feature that is still active in Windows 10 and that we can take advantage of to play old games easily. You just have to follow these steps:

Go to the game's installer or executable and right click, then select "Properties".

open compatibility mode

This will bring up a small window, go into the “Compatibility” tab.

Now, check the “Run this program in compatibility mode for” box and the drop-down menu below it will become active. Click on it to show the options and choose the operating system that best suits the game you are going to run.

Compatibility tab

Likewise, the games may have conflicts with respect to the graphic section and you can fix them with screen resolution options or reduced color mode.

Finally, click "OK" and try to run or install the game.

dos box

dos box

If the native feature didn't work for you, it's likely that your game is a bit older and requires a true emulation framework like the one offered by dos box. This is nothing more than an MS-DOS emulator that allows you to run old games and applications compatible with this environment.

Although its use implies dealing with the command interpreter, the truth is, it is nothing too complicated. In that sense, once you download, install and run it, you will see a window similar to the Command Prompt window open. As a recommendation, to make the process easier, create a folder in the root of the C drive, for the old games.

To run an application from here, we must mount the directory, go into it, and run the game from there. Thus, we begin by mounting the folder that contains the game in question and for this, we use the following command: Mount c C:\Game. Replace C:\Game with the path where your game is located and that's it.

Mount DosBox directory

Now, type C: and press Enter. This will allow you to get into the directory we just mounted earlier. Then, enter the DIR command and press Enter, to list all the files inside the directory.

Thus, if you have all the executables of the games in the same folder, all you have to do is write its name and press Enter, so that it runs.

Create a virtual machine


The last option is perhaps the most complicated, but also the one that could give the best results. Although, the latter will depend entirely on the amount of resources available to your computer. Creating a virtual machine is one of the answers to how to play old games on Windows 10 and the one that will not give you any compatibility issues.

In that sense, you can use a tool like virtual Box and generate a virtual machine with Windows 98 where you can play all those titles of yesteryear.

5 old games to play on Windows 10

Now that you know how to play old games on Windows 10, we are going to give you some classic recommendations that are sure to hook you.



Of course, in a list of old games to enjoy on Windows 10, we had to start with DOOM. The classic shooter that premiered in 1993 and that today is a living legend, because its great fan base has been in charge of keeping it alive by installing it in devices as unlikely as a pregnancy test. If you don't know this game, it's basically about following a radar and shooting alien monsters.

It is basic, very old, but it still has that hooking factor as if we were in the 90s.

Age Of Empires

age of empires

The year was 1997 and what would become one of the most mythical strategy games for PC platforms appeared. Age Of Empires posed a dynamic of strategy, progress and challenges that could leave us glued to the computer for hours. If this is the first time you read something about this game, you should know that it is about running a civilization and then conquering neighboring lands.

This edition of the game incorporates the campaigns of Babylon, Japan and Greece, with really interesting stories and very challenging games.

Counter Strike

Counter Strike

The first version of this game was released in the year 1999 and it was Counter Strike 1.6. The success of this title made the saga expand, however, for the most nostalgic there is still the possibility of obtaining it and running it with the methods that we explained before.

Probably the most fun way to take advantage of it is to play on LAN, so if you have another computer at home, you can set up the network to play with your friends. Those who do not know this title, the dynamics is very simple, it is about two teams that must eliminate each other in a certain period of time. Although, depending on the game mode, you would also have to plant an explosive in a certain place, while the other team avoids it.

SIMCity 3000

Sim City 3000

The sequel to SIM City 2000 that arrived in 1999 and became a strategy classic, but focused on managing cities. A) Yes, this game is based on building and governing your own city, with all the complications that this entails. This version also brings a great improvement over the previous one and it is the incorporation of the advisors. It is a figure that will give you notifications and advice in each area of ​​the city in order to improve it.

If you like strategy games that have nothing to do with war or fantasy themes, this is an excellent alternative.



Diablo is one of the biggest classics available when it comes to old PC games. You will control a character whose mission is to descend through the dungeons, until reaching hell and confronting Diablo, in order to free the city called Tristam from evil. Since the first edition, this game generated euphoria among gamers who continue to take it into account today.

Yes Prime Minister

Yes Prime Minister

Although it is not a very famous game, it is worth taking it into account due to the advanced nature of the theme for the time. Yes Prime Minister is a political simulator set in Great Britain, where you will have to make momentous decisions to keep your government in peace. 

The graphics are somewhat rudimentary, however, for lovers of this type of simulator it can be a real gem.

Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia

Nowadays, Prince of Persia is one of the most popular sagas among video game lovers. Its first version, the one from 1990, could activate the nostalgia of many, since the mechanics of today are far from those of those days.

On this first occasion, the game was about saving the Sultan's daughter, kidnapped by Vizier Jaffar. However, you will have a limited time to achieve it, so your goal will be to get the best mark.

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