How to fund Teams

  • Microsoft Teams lets you customize backgrounds to enhance your virtual meetings.
  • Changing backgrounds can be done easily before or during a meeting.
  • Custom backgrounds can be uploaded for a unique experience.
  • Background images must meet specific size and format requirements.

team funds

Microsoft Teams It is not only a fantastic tool for teamwork, both professionally and academically. In addition to its great practical assets, it also offers a huge variety of customization options to its users. In today's post we will focus on a specific aspect and we will analyze what needs to be done to put funds in Teams.

Those of you who use this tool with relative regularity will already know that an administrator can customize some aspects of the application through the Teams Admin Center. Adding custom logos and backgrounds are some of the options listed.

Like so many other applications, the pandemic marked a before and after in the history of Microsoft Teams. Suddenly it became a widely used tool. For those who did not know it, it was quite a find; for those who already used it, the discovery of a new world full of new possibilities.

With success came improvement (other times it happens the other way around). Among other things, added custom backgrounds. And as they liked it, shortly after that catalog of collections multiplied. An original and simple way to make our meetings and gatherings more pleasant.

In principle, the appearance of Microsoft Teams can be easily changed via the "Reset" option. In this way, we can go from a light theme to a dark theme and vice versa in a matter of seconds. In addition, any user can customize the aesthetic appearance of the meeting or remove the background effects from the "More options" menu. Finally, admins can also customize apps in the Teams store to provide a personalized experience for users.

But let's not rush. Let's explain how to set a background in Teams and other possibilities step by step:

before a meeting

team funds

Experts claim that a meeting already begins with the preparations for it. So it's not a bad idea to also choose a suitable background before the attendees introduce themselves. Putting a custom background is really simple, you just have to do the following:

  1. First, we must flip the switch to open the possibility of putting a background, which in the image above appears below the screen on the left, next to the video camera symbol.
  2. Then you have to Click on the button marked in orange.
  3. After this, a menu will open on the right with all the available funds. Simply select the one you want or upload your own using the button "Add".

All ready. With the new background we wanted already installed, the meeting can begin.

during a meeting

put funds teams

We may not have had enough time or farsightedness to fund Teams before our meeting. Or we just may have thought it wasn't that important. In any case, you can always rectify on the fly.

The meeting is already underway and we dare not touch anything. However, changing the background is a very simple operation. Imagine the effect it can have on the meeting when you do it… This is how you can do it:

  1. On the toolbar, click on the three dots icon. This will bring up the menu for "More Actions".
  2. Then we select the option "Apply background effects."
  3. Finally, all that remains is to choose one of the funds and click on "Apply".

And that's it. The background will be uploaded to the application without disturbing the progress of the meeting in the least.

Upload our own funds to Microsoft Teams

It is true that the catalog offered by the application is enormous. In addition, the images are organized by theme and searches can be refined with the search tool. Even so, for the most demanding all those funds will not be enough, because they are looking for something special, unique and personal. A background that reflects your own stamp. In such circumstances, the following applies: "If it doesn't exist, do it yourself." 

Luckily, Microsoft has left us a small window open to upload custom backgrounds, although only valid for the downloadable version. Is that how it works:

Prepare the image to upload

In order to ensure good display and sufficient quality, the image size should be the following:

  • Maximum width: 1.920 pixels.
  • Maximum height: 1.080 pixels.
  • Resolution between 100 and 300 pixels per inch.

To find good photos and illustrations we suggest you visit one of the many websites to download wallpapers what's on the internet The recommended format is . Png.

Save image

In order to upload the background image in Teams, we must first save it in our team folder where the application will search for it. That location is the folder "Backgrounds", which is reached by this route:

Drive C: > Users > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Teams > Backgrounds

In this way, we copy the image that we want to put in the background in Teams and paste it in the folder "Uploads". This way it will be available when we are in the application, using any of the two methods described above

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