If Windows 10 stands out for something, it is that it has a large capacity for customization of many of the elements that we find on screen. You can customize the lock screen image in Windows 10, both with your own image of our choice, or a slide show.
There is a third option that allows you activate 'Windows Spotlight', which searches for images from Bing and sets them as your wallpaper for that space. As they are located in the physical memory on the system as temporary files, if you like one, you can "hunt" it and set it as the wallpaper on your desktop. You can even automate this process with Lock Screen Reflection.
Lock Screen Reflection is one used for Windows that will be in charge of putting the image of "Windows Spotlight" or "Featured Windows content»As the image of your wallpaper. It only works if that feature is active on the lock screen.
How to put the "Windows Featured Content" image as wallpaper
- Let's go to Configuration
- Let's go to Personalization
- Now to Lock screen
- We select in Fund «Featured Windows content«
- We download Lock Screen Reflection
This app it does not need to be installed. Every time we want to put an image of the Windows 10 screen lock, we just launch it. It will update the wallpaper to match that of the lock screen.
What really saves this app is the go through the whole process of setting up the image as it neither works automatically nor periodically checks for new lock screen images.
It can change the code To expand the image, repeat it, or center it:
lsr.exe "C: \ images \ My Image.jpg" 2
The only downside is that you have to launch Command Prompt to be able to use that line of code. The best thing is to put a shortcut on the desktop, and every time we like a background, we click on it.
Well it doesn't work