How to record the screen of our computer with Windows 10

  • Windows 10 allows you to record your screen for free, without any paid applications.
  • The function can be activated with the key combination Windows key + g.
  • You can record video and audio of what is displayed on the screen.
  • Content is stored in the Xbox app, accessible without the need for a console.

Surely on more than one occasion you have had the need to record your computer screen, either to make a small tutorial to send it to a friend or family member so that they know how to perform the task that you are trying to explain, but there is no way they will understand it, or to publish it on YouTube.

When recording the screen of our equipment, we have at our disposal a large number of applications that allow us to do so, but the vast majority are all paid. However, natively, Windows 10 allows us to record the screen without having to spend a single euro. Here we show you how we can do it.

With the arrival of Windows 10, the Xbox is increasingly present within Windows and many are the users who through the console want to record their games, to review them later, share them with their friends or upload them to YouTube. The function to record the screen on the Xbox It is also available in Windows 10 through the Windows Key + g command.

When pressing on this combination of keys, a dialog box will appear on the screen that will allow us not only to take screenshots, but also will allow us to record a video of everything that is shown on the screen, including sound, so it is a fantastic option to record our games.

Also, if our team has a microphone we can record our voice while we comment on the game or we are showing the steps that we have to follow in the event that we are doing a tutorial. All content that is generated through this native application is stored within the Xbox application. Although we do not have this console, we can access the application through our Microsoft account without any problem.

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