From Windows News, we always recommend making a regular copy of all files, so that in case our hard drive stops working, you do not find yourself in the unpleasant situation of not being able to recover them. Synchronizing our files in the cloud is the effective method to avoid losing our data.
However, there are many users who, due to ignorance or neglect, they don't bother to do regular backups or in synchronizing the files with a cloud storage service, either OneDrive (the best option as it is natively integrated into Windows 10), Google Drive ...
In these cases, we are forced to resort to data recovery apps, like the one offered by EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. The applications that allow us to recover files deleted intentionally or accidentally, are very easy to use, since the whole process is automatic. But not only can we recover deleted files, but we can also recover files from partitions that we have deleted, from a drive that we have formatted ...
What data can I recover after being deleted
Recover deleted files
The first thing we must do when manually or accidentally deleting a file is to go to one of the best inventions in computing: the recycle bin. All operating systems have their own trash, the trash where all the files we delete from our hard drive go, so it is always the first place we should consult before going to third-party applications.
Windows natively keeps all files in the recycle bin for 30 days or in space that we have natively established (by default they are 4 GB). If 30 days have passed since the files were deleted, they disappear from the Trash. The same happens if the size of the trash can exceeds 4 GB.
In both cases, we have to use applications to recover deleted files, since these have physically disappeared from our system, but we still have the option of recovering them. This is not a new option from the recent computing world, in fact MS-DOS 6.0 already included the application undelete.exe, an application that allowed us in the early 90s to recover deleted files.
As time has passed, the operation of these applications has improved a lot, so today it is practically impossible not to be able to recover any type of file that has disappeared from our team.
Recover files from deleted partitions
Many are the users who make partitions of the same hard disk, to store all the files independently of the operating system and the installed applications, so that if Windows begins to show symptoms of fatigue, we can format the drive and reinstall a clean copy without having to make a copy of the files to another drive.
While it is true that this method is adequate, it is not correct. It is not correct, because a partition is nothing more than a part of the hard disk which we access as if it were another physical unit. If the main hard drive stops working, the stored data will also become inaccessible, and if we have not backed up, the drama begins.
Fortunately, thanks to file recovery applications, we can also access files found on faulty partitions, which have been removed and if the entire hard drive has begun to show physical malfunctions, inviting us to replace it.
Recover files from a formatted drive
Formatting a drive is the fastest method to be able to delete each and every file found on a drive storage, be it a hard drive, a memory card, a pendrive, an external hard drive ...
The formatting mode that Windows performs by default, is responsible for deleting each and every one of the files, but allows us to recover them if we use data recovery applications, since it does not return the hard drive to its original factory state.
To return the hard drive to the same state as when it came from the factory, we must perform a low level formatting, a type of formatting that removes all data from our hard drive without the possibility of recovery. In order to perform this type of formatting, we must download a third-party application, since Windows does not natively offer us this option, so if you have formatted your hard drive with Windows, you will be able to recover the data that was on it.
Files deleted by a virus, power outages, system crashes ...
The reason why a file can disappear from our hard drive, pendrive, memory card, external drive… is not only due to accidental or manual deletion by the user, or because our hard drive has stopped working. Sadly, too there are external factors that can affect availability from our archives.
I'm talking about viruses, power outages, system crashes ... random situations thatthat the user cannot wait at any time. When a hard disk begins to fail, we quickly realize that it takes longer than normal to open applications, to start the system ... so we can take the corresponding measures so that the time comes when it stops working, we do not lose data stored.
Repair recovered corrupted files and videos
The applications that allow us to recover files deleted intentionally or accidentally, allow us to recover (worth the redundancy) the files that have disappeared from our hard drive. However, when it comes to images or videos, files that generally take up more space on the hard disk, these may be damaged or corrupt.
The solution that EaseUS Data Recovery offers us allows us repair most files that may have been damaged due to its elimination in MP4 and MOV video format and JPG / JPEG format in image format, a function that very few applications offer us. It does not matter if the data is on the hard drive, an external storage unit, pendrive, compact camera or video camera ...
What types of files can we recover
Each file occupies is an allocated space on the hard disk, regardless of its format, so the possibility of recovering a file not based on file type. What does this mean? Simple, we can recover any type of fileBe it Word documents, PDF files, Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoint presentations, images in JPEG, GIF, PSD, RAW ... videos in AVI, MPEG, MP4, MOV ... audio files in MP3, WAV format , WMA, M4A.
Even besides, too allows us to recover files from email applications and any other type of file such as images in ISO format, compressed files in ZIP, web pages in HTML format ...