How to recover documents after updating to Windows 10 October 2018 Update

  • The Windows 10 October Update has caused several users to lose important documents.
  • Rolling back the update does not guarantee the recovery of deleted files.
  • Some users have recovered their documents using the Recuva program.
  • There is no certainty that Recuva will work for everyone, but it is an option worth considering.

Windows 10

Windows 10 October update is causing many problems among users. Since there are users who have disappeared documents, or entire folders in their documents. Something that is very annoying, because work and files are lost. But to make it worse, even reverting the update could not recover these files.

Luckily, it seems that a way has come out that is working for some of these affected users in Windows 10. A very simple method, with which to recover these documents that have been lost after updating. What is the solution to this problem?

This is a solution that is working for some of the users who have these problems with Windows 10. Although it is not a guarantee that it will be of help to all those that have suffered this file deletion after updating. But it is good to test if it is successful in your case.

Windows 10

It's about the Recuva program. Many of you may already know its name, since it is a known option, on desktop and Android phones. It is a program that helps us to be able to recover deleted files from the computer, in this case the computer. And it seems to be working fine.

Since there are users with this problem in Windows 10 who have been able to recover the documents they lost after upgrade. So it may be worth giving this program a try. If you are interested, you can download Recuva this link.

As we have told you, there is no guarantee that it will work in all cases. But it's good to try your luck to recover files that have been lost in the Windows 10 update. More solutions may be coming soon, so we'll be on the lookout for them. Everything that helps to recover these files.

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