How to disable automatic updates in Windows 10

  • Windows updates can be annoying and affect your computer's performance.
  • Microsoft has improved update management in Windows 10 for added convenience.
  • Disabling automatic updates may compromise system security.
  • It is important to stay informed about updates to properly protect your computer.

Windows Update

Windows updates in general, have always been a headache for many users, due not only to the time they take to download and later install, but also because they sometimes completely block the operation of our computer. Fortunately Microsoft noted user complaints and performance has improved.

In the latest versions of Windows 10, the guys from Microsoft have worked on this aspect to avoid not only that the team closes just because it needs to install an update, but also in the time we have to install them without being coerced into it. If despite these improvements, you want disable Windows 10 automatic updates, below we show you how to do it.

First of all, you have to take into account that you disable automatic updates it is never recommended, since it puts the safety of our equipment at risk. Windows 10 is the most widely used operating system in the world and friends of others know that it is easier to reach these users than those of Mac and Linux, with a market share of less than 10% between them.

But if we want live on the edge and disable the automatic updates of Windows 10, despite the improvements that it has received in recent months its operation, we must follow the following steps:

Disable automatic updates Windows 10

  • First we access the Windows 10 configuration through the keyboard shortcut Windows key + i.
  • Next we go to Update and security and click Windows Update and in the right column click on Advanced.
  • Within this menu disable and switch Automatically download updates, even over metered data connections.

If our team at that time is using the battery and not connected to the current, no matter how much we activate that option, will be deactivated automatically, in order to prevent the computer from using the device's battery to install updates.

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