El Dark Mode de Become It is one of the functionalities of the popular Microsoft word processor that has been best received in recent times. Actually, it is a possibility that can be implemented in all the tools of the Microsoft Office suite, following the example of the Windows display options. In this post we are going to know some of its details, as well as what must be done to Activate and remove dark mode in Word.
As you will see below, these are very simple procedures. In addition, we have the possibility of synchronizing them with the theme of our operating system. Of course, to avoid possible incompatibilities, before starting it is important to make sure that we have a updated version of Windows and Microsoft Office.
What is Word's dark mode for?
The main objective of using the dark mode or night mode in Word or in any other application is to ensure the visual health and the well-being of the user. It has been proven that using this mode reduces the eyestrain of the person who is working in front of the screen, helping them to adapt to light sensitivity. In other words: Word's dark mode is less damaging to our eyesight.
On the other hand, and although its importance lags behind health, dark mode is highly appreciated by many users for its hairsalon, with an elegant and modern design. For some users, this is also a compelling reason when opting for night view or dark mode.
So for all these reasons, dark mode (which has been available since 2021) has been well received by many Word users and in general by all Microsoft Office tools. Instead, there are also many who have tried it and, after a while, have chosen to return to the normal version, also now called the "clear mode". Here we explain both procedures: how this mode is activated and how it can be deactivated, if you no longer wish to use it.
Turn on dark mode in Word
To activate the dark mode in Word, you simply have to do the following:
- We open a new page in Word.
- Let's go to the tab "File".
- There, we select the option "Bill".
- In the options that appear below, we choose "Office Theme" and then click on "Black".
We will notice the changes immediately. When starting the dark mode, we will immediately see how the white page becomes a dark gray, almost black tone. In the same way, the colors that we are going to find inside the document will also change in order to adapt to the new color contrast in a harmonious way.
Established the black theme in Word, we will also be able to toggle between page background colors: white or black (see the example in the image above). To switch from one to the other, you just have to go to the "View" tab, activate the "Dark Mode" and, from there, choose the desired color.
Fix gray pages issue
One of the problems The most common thing that we find when we activate the dark mode in Word is that the space in which we are going to enter the text loses its original clarity. The "blank page" is shown to us with a muted, grayish color.
The explanation at Word "gray pages" It's simple: Dark mode applies to the general settings of the entire program, not just the frames and the toolbar. But this is not always what the user expects. Interestingly, this is a problem unique to Word and not in Excel or PowerPoint. Luckily, there is a way to fix it:
- We open Word.
- We click on «Options», at the bottom right of the screen.
- In the new window that opens, select the option "General".
- Then we click "Customize your copy of Microsoft Office".
- There we must activate the option "Never change the color of the document page."
- Finally, we click on "To accept".
With this simple trick, we will recover the usual white page where to enter the text, although without losing the night mode.
Remove dark mode from Word
To return to the light mode of Word, that is, to the classic mode, all we have to do is follow the steps that we have seen for the activation of the dark mode, returning the display mode of Microsoft Word to its original configuration:
- We open a new page in Word.
- Let's go to the tab "File".
- There, we select the option "Bill".
- In the options that appear below, we choose "Office Theme" and then click on "White".
With these simple steps, the dark mode will be deactivated, activating the light mode instead.