The image of our Google profile is the one that serves to identify us and so that other users can recognize us. It is a staple of our account, also very useful. However, there are many who want to maintain their privacy and do not want their photo to appear visible. No problem, you can remove google profile picture in a very simple way.
This is an issue that many users of Google services have come across. At first, it seems like a great idea to upload a profile photo, but later doubts may arise. As we will see below, there are some interesting alternatives that do not involve deleting the photo, simply change it to another image or element.
In fact, the change is always easier to execute than the removal. We explain everything in the following paragraphs. But let's go in order: first we are going to see what is the procedure to remove the profile photo in Google and then we will address other possibilities.
Remove profile photo on Google step by step
These are the steps to follow to permanently delete our Google profile photo:
Open Google account
First of all, we have to go to our Google account on the computer. If we are already logged in, the profile image will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. By clicking on it, the button will appear. "Manage your Google account". Click on it to access the options screen.
Access customization options
In the left column, we are going to "Personal information" and, on the next screen, by scrolling, we look for the option "Choose what other users see". At this point we have to click on the option "About me", where all basic user information is stored.
To go directly to "About me" we can also click directly on this link, which allows us to skip the previous two steps.
Profile image
And we come to the last step. The button is displayed on the screen "Remove", which is what we must use to remove the profile photo from our Google account and, by extension, also from all the Google services in which it normally appears (Youtube, Gmail, etc.). The "Profile Image" field will remain empty, as shown in the screenshot above, available for us to upload a new image if we wish.
How to remove the Google profile photo from an Android mobile
Actually, it does not matter to sit in front of the computer and go to the page of "My account" to carry out the operation that we have explained before. We can also do it very easily from an Android device, through some of its applications:
The method that we explain below is equally valid whether we want to run it in the Gmail app or in others such as Contacts or Google:
- We open the gmail app (can also be done in the Contacts or of Google).
- Click on the profile picture, shown above right.
- In the options that appear, we select "Manage your Google account".
- Then we go directly to the profile picture that you see at the top of the page (above our name and email address).
- select "Choose profile photo", where we can change the current image for another and even use the mobile camera to take a new photo.
Since all Google services are connected to each other, when you change your profile picture in one of your apps, the changes will automatically apply to all the others.
Change your profile photo to another image or illustration
If what concerns us is the question of privacy and we do not want our face to appear in the Google profile image, there are other alternatives that may be interesting. Because leaving that space empty, really, doesn't look too good. For example, many users choose to replace the image of your face with that of a landscape or an object that can be identified without having to show their facial features.
Even more curious is the option that Google offers since 2021: use one of the suggestive images and illustrations from the catalog of Google Arts & Culture. The objective achieved will be twofold: hide our personal appearance and at the same time offer an inspiring image. Can you ask for more?
The illustrations at our disposal are as varied as they are numerous. Is a vast collection with themes for all tastes and sensibilities: art, history, science, black and white photography, cinema, travel, comics, literature, astronomy, music, pop culture... Surely in this inexhaustible catalog we will find the image we want for our profile. The method to upload it is the same as we have explained in the first section.