How to remove Office fonts

  • Windows offers over 200 fonts that can be used in any installed application.
  • Deleting a font from Windows removes it from the entire system, affecting all applications.
  • Fonts can be managed from the Fonts directory on the Windows C drive.
  • The process for removing fonts has been similar since Windows XP, maintaining a consistent logic for two decades.

Fonts in Windows 10

Windows puts at our disposal more than 200 fonts, fonts of all kinds and that not only allows us to format our documents with any type of letter, but also allows us to add symbols that we could include ourselves in another way but for the Wingdings font.

These fonts can be used in any application that we install on our computer, since when installing fonts in Windows 10, are installed throughout the system, not only for specific applications. In this way, if we remove a font, it will be removed from the entire system and will not be available to any application.

Once we are clear that when deleting a source, this will be removed from the entire systemHere are the steps to follow to remove Office fonts.

If you have understood the operation of fonts in Windows so far, you have come to the conclusion that if we delete a Windows account, this will be removed from Office. We can't just remove one font from Office.

remove office fonts

FOR remove a font from Windows, and therefore from Office, we must perform the steps that I detail below:

  • First of all, we go to the Windows file explorer and click on This team and then in Devices and drives in drive C:
  • Next, we click twice on the directory Windows and inside Windows, in the directory Fonts.
  • Next, we must locate the source that we want to eliminate from our computer and click on the button Delete located at the top of the displayed window.
  • Before deleting the source, it will ask us if we want confirm the removal process since it is not reversible. Click on Yes.

This process is perfectly valid from Windows XP, since the operation of the fonts in Windows remains the same for more than 20 years.

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