If you have reached this article, it is likely that you have tired of seeing the happy message of the cookies that each and every one of the web pages that we visit regularly shows us. We have reached this point by European Union regulations which requires informing visitors if they use cookies.
Fortunately, we have at our disposal different tools that allow us to completely get rid of this message. I'm talking about browser extensions. Previously, in Windows News we showed you how remove the cookie notice in Firefox. Now it's Chrome's turn.
The application that allows us to eliminate cookie notices is called I don't care about cookies, an extension that we can download through this link from the Chrome browser. If we do it from another browser, we will not be able to install it. This is the same extension that we can find in the Firefox extensions store and its performance in more spectacular.
Within the configuration options of this extension, we can set which web pages can display the cookie notice, in case we meet Liqueur sometime.
It also allows us to select the type of cookies that it does not block and which ones it accepts by default. By default, the option that allows us to enjoy web pages that require cookies for their operation is established and without which, we would not be able to access it correctly.
But if you don't want any cookie to be installed on your computer, you can set the more aggressive setting of this extension, not recommended, or access the Chrome configuration options and block any cookie, since for this no third-party extension is necessary, because all browsers offer us this option.