How to remove the keyboard language selector in Windows 10

  • Windows allows you to quickly set multiple languages ​​as input methods.
  • The taskbar displays the active language with a corresponding icon.
  • The language switcher icon can be easily hidden from settings.
  • The keyboard shortcut allows you to change the language without having to access the settings manually.

PC keyboard

If you regularly write in multiple languages, you have most likely established two or more languages ​​as input method on Windows keyboard. If so, an icon with the initials of the language in your language will be displayed on the right side of the taskbar: ES for Spanish and EN for English.

Although it is true that it is the most comfortable method to quickly change the input language, many are the users who don't want to see a large number of icons on the taskbar and reduce the presence of these to the minimum expression.

Remove the language selector icon available on the taskbar Windows 10 or in the box where it shows the time (another of the locations where it can be found) is as simple as accessing the option Enable or disable system icons. Here are the steps to follow.

Hide input language icon Windows 10

  • First of all, and as usual when modifying Windows settings, we must access the configuration options through the keyboard shortcut Windows key + i.
  • Next, click on Personalization..
  • Within Personalization, in the left column, click on Taskbar.
  • In the right column shown in the Taskbar option, we look for Notification Area and click on Enable or disable system icons.
  • In the window shown below, we have to find the option Indicate input and deactivate it.

By deactivating this switch, if we want change keyboard input language in Windows, we have to use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + space bar or enter the Windows configuration options and set it manually, and a much slower and tedious process than the keyboard shortcut that I have indicated.

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