How to replace the notepad with another program

  • There are alternatives to notepad that offer more features.
  • Replacing Notepad in Windows is a simple process.
  • The command line is used to perform the replacement.
  • Any program can be selected as a notepad replacement.

Memo pad

A few days ago we showed you some of the best alternatives to notepad, that you can see in this link. They are programs that give us more functions than the native Windows program. For this reason, many users bet on making use of them. Once installed, it is time to replace the operating system program, to make way for this new tool. We will show you this below.

We show you the steps we have to follow in this regard to be able to replace notepad in Windows. You will see that it is not something complicated and that you can do yourself on the computer. What steps do we have to follow?

The first thing we have to do is go to the Windows 10 start menu and write the following command therecmd.exe. When this command appears on the screen, we click on it with the right mouse button and we give it to run as administrator. Then the command line will appear on the screen.

If you have a 64-bit version, which is usually the most common, then you have to enter the following command on the screen: reg add “HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Image File Execution Options \ notepad.exe” / v “Debugger” / t REG_SZ / d “\”% ProgramFiles% \ APP DIRECTORY \ APP .exe \ ”-notepadStyleCmdline -z” / f

If everything goes well, a message should appear on the screen saying that it has gone well. With these steps, we have proceeded to remove the notepad from the computer, so that we will be able to use another tool in its place as normal. So the process is quite simple.

What we have done with the upper command is to make the notepad no longer the default application when carrying out these tasks or opening certain formats. Now, you will be able to select the program you want instead.

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