All the applications that we have installed on our Windows 10 computer have their own icon. Thanks to this, it is very easy to identify each application, especially in the shortcuts. Windows does not process these icons in real time, but they generate a cache. All of them are saved and processed there. But, sometimes this cache can give problems.
Thus, icons can go wrong (blurred, or pixelated parts) or the one that is not shown with another application. Something that is annoying for users. This is why many people restart the computer. But in Windows 10 there is a solution without needing to restart the computer.
Windows 10 icon cache can fail for many different reasons and the user cannot do anything to avoid this. But what we can do is solve this problem. And without any need to restart the computer. What do we have to do?
The first thing we have to do is open a run window on your computer. To do this we use the Win + R key combination. Next, a window opens and in it we must write the following command: ie4uinit.exe -show. We then click on accept or press enter.
Now, you will see how all the icons flash briefly and in a matter of seconds they will return to normal form on the screen. Thus, all the icons of the applications that we have in Windows 10 will be seen correctly again. A simple solution in this case.
In this way, we will get fix any bug that has arisen in this icon cache in Windows 10. And the icons will go back to looking the way they should. All this without the need for the user to restart the computer. So it is much simpler in this case.