The operation of the network is something key in our computer. Since most users spend a lot of time connected, in addition to being necessary for work in many cases. Although from time to time we have problems with networking in Windows 10. But we do not always find a solution for these problems.
The most common thing is that we always find solutions when something happens on the networks in Windows 10. Although, unfortunately, there are usually some isolated problems that we do not know how to solve. Luckily we have a way make the problem a thing of the past thanks to a feature in Windows 10.
This is an option called network reset. What this function does is start from scratch to work with the network configuration. So it can be a very useful solution in some cases. And Windows 10 includes it natively. The first thing we have to do is go to the Windows 10 configuration and then we enter the network and Internet section.
Within this section we have the options that belong to the network and the Internet. We have to look inside the status option, which comes out first. Once we click, a new screen will appear. What we must do is slide to the end of the screen, there we get the network reset option. We click on it.
When we click on the network reset option, Windows 10 will warn us about the consequences of this action. Since what we are doing is that everything returns to the same factory settings. So it is an important step. Although in this case it is the only option we have.
If we have tried all possible solutions in Windows 10 and nothing works, then we must resort to network reset. It is a somewhat extreme option, but it works well.