How to save running processes in Windows 10

  • Accessing the task manager in Windows 10 allows you to monitor running processes.
  • Saving running processes makes it easier to analyze potential problems later.
  • The 'tasklist' command allows you to export process information to a text file.
  • Analyzing the text file helps to identify problematic processes on the system.

Windows 10

On our Windows 10 computer we have a large number of processes running. The easiest way to see which ones are running at that moment is to go to the task manager. It is a good way to have some control. Although since they are running in real time, we cannot really analyze if there is something wrong. Therefore, we have the possibility to save them.

This gives us the possibility of being able observe and analyze these running processes in Windows 10 easily. Thus, we can see if there is a process that does not work well or is causing problems on the computer.

Saving running processes is not complicated. To do this, the first thing we have to do is open a command prompt window with administrator permissions. When one has been opened, we have to write the following command in it tasklist> “% userprofile% \ Desktop \ filename.txt”. We then give Enter. Where we mention the file name, you must write the name that you want to give it.

Windows 10

After hitting Enter, this command will be launched. What happens next is that it will save all the information of the running processes in Windows 10. We will see data about these processes and the data consumption that they are carrying out. All this will be saved in a text file that we will be able to download.

Thus, in a matter of seconds we will have this file in the path indicated on the computer. We can open it and thus analyze all the information of these processes running in Windows 10. This will allow us to analyze everything that happens in these processes in a very simple way.

This trick will help us to study the processes and see if there is something wrong or causing problems on the computer. And as you can see, it is very simple to carry out.

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