How to see my Gmail password

  • Passwords are essential to protecting accounts and keeping personal information confidential.
  • It is possible to view the Gmail password through browser settings or applications such as Outlook.
  • Creating long and complex passwords reduces the risk of unauthorized access to our accounts.
  • It is recommended to change passwords regularly and use a password manager to facilitate their management.

How to see my Gmail password

We have become so accustomed to using the system that remembers our access codes to different online services, that we do not see Gmail password It has become commonplace. But there comes a time, sooner or later, when we need to write it.

That's when you realize you don't remember her. Although the usual thing in these cases is to reset the password, the truth is that it is not necessary. You can see your Gmail password in up to three different ways, as we are going to tell you today.

The importance of passwords

Cybersecurity is something that must be taken very seriously. Using good passwords is essential to:

  • Protect the account. Its main purpose is to prevent unauthorized access to our email accounts, social networks, users on any platform, etc. The more secure your password is, the more difficult it will be for hackers to access your personal information or impersonate your identity.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of your information. If someone discovers your passwords, they can obtain a large amount of information from you: private messages, photos, bank details, purchase history, etc.
  • Prevent identity theft. If someone accesses your online accounts, they can impersonate you and carry out fraudulent activities in your name.
  • Maintain account integrity. By preventing unauthorized access, we are protecting the integrity of the account, so that a third party cannot make changes to the settings, passwords or information associated with it.

How can I see my Gmail password?

Here are three simple tricks that will help you see the password you have chosen for your Gmail service if, for some reason, you have forgotten what it was.

View Gmail password from the personal information panel

Open Google Chrome and sign in. Then click on the profile photo that appears in the upper right corner of the screen and access "Google account". From there look for the option to “Select personal information” and go to "Password".

This will automatically redirect you to the login page. Click on "Show password" which appears at the end of the password box and you will be able to see the key.

View Gmail password from browser settings

Google Chrome has a handy password management service. As you have surely seen, when entering a website the browser gives you the option to save a password, if you say yes, it saves the password and so you can access it at any time. Of course, it also does the same with Gmail.

To view your email password from Google Chrome, you have to do the following. Open the browser and go to the settings section, and there access “Autofill and passwords” > “Password manager”. Click on the service whose password you want to know and you will see both the username and some dots that hide the password. If you click on the eye icon, you can see the password.

View Gmail password from Outlook

Microsoft's mail service also stores passwords. In order to access it you must download the Outlook Email Password Refixer application to your device. Once you run it, you will be able to check your Gmail email password with some steps very similar to those we have seen before.

These tricks that we have seen allow you to access the password, as long as the automatic password memory system has allowed you to enter Gmail. We recommend that you take a look at the password and memorize it, This way you will avoid access problems in the future if you do not remember the password and you're on a device that doesn't remember your passwords automatically.

Tips to improve the security of your passwords

It's okay to memorize your password and, just in case, know how to view it, but protecting your online security requires that you pay special attention to your passwords. Yeah You want to reduce the risk of illegitimate intrusions into your accounts and data, follow these tips:

Choose long and complex passwords

Look for combinations of letters and numbers that are difficult for others to guess. Experts recommend that the password be a minimum of 12 characters.

Combine characters

Many platforms already force us to use combinations of letters, numbers and special characters such as the question mark, percentage symbol, dollar symbol, etc., to create a password. This is because this mixture increases the complexity and the security of the key we have chosen.

Do not use personal information

The name of your siblings, your children, your date of birth, the name of your pet, or the name of the school you went to, are much easier data for a hacker to obtain than you can imagine. Therefore, please refrain from using personal information to create your passwords.

As far as possible, Try to create passwords that say nothing about you and are random. Something like this: oejdit863hyTue%

If this is difficult for you to remember, try using a phrase made up of several words. For example, a saying that you like or a line from a movie that you find memorable. To add a little more security, include some numbers and special characters at the end.

Of course, don't use common words or sequences of words. There are still many people who use passwords like abc123 or qwerty, and this is the cyber equivalent of leaving the house and leaving the door open so that thieves can comfortably enter.

Regularly update your passwords

No more creating a password and using the same one for years and years. Experts recommend changing the passwords of sensitive or critical accounts every three to six months.

Even if there is nothing to suspect that there may have been illegitimate interference, change your passwords regularly. And throw away that password, don't use it on another online service.

Also, make sure that each of your accounts on platforms, social networks, bank, etc., is totally different from the rest.

Use a password manager

If you find it difficult to remember long, complex passwords, try using a reliable password manager to generate and manage them. In this way, the only combination of letters, numbers and characters that you have to remember is the one in this application, but remember to change it frequently and apply the tips we have seen.

Now that you know how to view your Gmail password and how to create secure keys, you'll be safer when browsing the Web.

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