It is possible that at a certain moment we do not remember the password of our WiFi. We use a different one than the one that comes in the router, but we have forgotten. Luckily, we can check this from our Windows 10 computer. So we can remember this key or we can share it with another person who may need to connect to our network.
The steps to follow are not complicated. In addition, in Windows 10 we can check the password of the WiFi that we are using at that moment. Although we also have the possibility of check the password of any network to which we have connected in the past. We tell you both options.
Password of the WiFi you are using
First of all we will find the password of the WiFi to which we are connected at that time. It may be the one at home or somewhere else, but whose password we have forgotten. Windows 10 allows us to access it easily, simply by following a series of steps. We will not have to install anything to access this information. What do we have to do in this case?
We right click with the mouse on the WiFi icon in the taskbar. When you do this, a context menu with two options appears. The one that interests us is the option to Open Network and Internet Settings. Once inside, we look at the left side of the screen, where we click on the WiFi option. Then we press about Network and Sharing Center, to access network information.
In the right part of the screen we will then be able to see that we are connected to a wireless network. We have to click on the name of the network to which we are connected at that moment. Then a screen opens, where Windows 10 shows us the data of this network. One of the options in this window is Network security key, what can we see. To do this we just have to click on the option Show characters.
In this way, pWe can see in Windows 10 the WiFi key that we are using at that time. So if we have forgotten or want to share it with someone, it is very easy to have access to this information on the computer. So we can do what we have to do with that password.
View saved WiFi password in Windows 10
Over time we have connected to many WiFi networks from our Windows 10 computer. So a huge amount of passwords end up accumulating on the computer. Therefore, at a certain moment we may look for the key of a specific network. This is something we can do, although we will have to use a series of commands on the computer to access it.
We have to open the start menu first, where we must open the Command Prompt app. In this application we will have to write a series of commands. The first command we have to use is: netsh wlan show profiles which will allow us to see at all times the WiFi networks whose password has been stored on this Windows 10 computer. We can then see the one we want.
Although if we are looking for a specific network, we can use another very useful command. This is netsh wlan show profile name = networkname key = clear. In this command we have to enter the name of said network where we have put "networkname". So Windows 10 will look for this network and will show us the password that we have stored on the computer at all times. A simple way to search for a specific key.
When using this command, we see that there is a section called Key content. In it we find the password of said network in its entirety. So if at a certain moment we need to use this network, we can already enter that password directly.