How to see which apps make Windows 10 start slow

  • Windows 10 performance may decrease after installing applications.
  • Identifying applications that affect startup is essential to improving system speed.
  • Task Manager allows you to see the impact of applications on startup.
  • Disabling unnecessary apps can optimize Windows 10 boot time.

Windows 10

As we use our Windows 10 computer and install applications, the computer becomes somewhat slower. This It is something that we notice when starting the computer, for example. But the good part is that we can do something about it. The first thing we must know is which applications are the ones that cause the computer to start slowly, because not all of them are responsible.

So if we know What are the applications that we have in Windows 10 that cause the computer to start slowly, we can take action on it and change something. So it is important to know how we can verify it.

The way in which this can be verified has changed, but in Windows 10 we can do it for a while using the task manager. So to access it we must use the key combination Control + Shift + Esc and opens directly.

Disable apps

Of all the tabs that come out, we must go to the start one. There, we can see that there is a column called impact in Windows. This is the column in which we can see which applications are responsible for Windows 10 starting up slower than normal.

The way to improve this performance is very simple. We simply have to right click on one of these applications and click on disable, one of the options that come out. In this way, the application in question will not start automatically when we start Windows 10.

Thus, these applications, which consume the most and cause a slowdown in the computer, are not going to run. They will open only when we are the ones who make them open. Something that gives us a lot of control over them. As you can see, Checking which applications cause slow startups is easy.

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