Telegram is an application that has been known to gain a place on the mobile phones of millions of users. It is presented as a very complete messaging application, which also stands out for its good privacy management. But it is an application that can give us many more functions. We can use it to send files from the phone to the computer or vice versa.
This is one of the most interesting features of Telegram. Make that send photos between an Android phone and Windows 10 be much easier at any time. Thus, you will not have to use cables or send files using your email account. The application makes it very easy.
For this to be possible, we will have to have the application installed on our Android phone first. In addition, we have to use the computer version of it, which we can download in it and it is very light. In this account you just have to enter the phone number and it will be synchronized with the account on the phone. When we have this, we can start the process.

Send files with Telegram
One of the advantages of Telegram is that allows us to create a conversation with ourselves. So we can use it as a kind of drawer for everything. Sending us messages as reminders, or using it to send files between the two devices, are two extremely convenient options, which undoubtedly allow you to take advantage of this function in the well-known application. The way it works is the same in its two versions.
First of all we will select the files on the phone that we want to send to our computer with Windows 10. They can be photos, documents or videos, it doesn't matter what we want to send. In addition, the application is a good option to send several files at the same time, because it allows you to send large files without too many problems. We select them and then we give them to share, where it will allow us to choose between several applications to do this, in which case we will select Telegram.
The application will open, where we have to send these files to the chat we have with ourselves. This conversation is called Saved Messages, and in this case the first one always comes out, at the top. Therefore, we click on said conversation and we can share in it the files that we have copied to the phone. These files will then be sent. We can see if they have been sent with the double tick at the bottom of each file. So it is very easy to be able to check this on the computer.
Next, we open Telegram on the computer and on the left side we have all the chats in our account. The most recent will be the saved messages, where we have sent these photos. We walk in and we can see that Then we get the files that we just sent from the phone. To be able to save them on the computer, we just have to click on the file, right-click and choose the option to save or save as. We can save them on the computer without any problem, as with any file. The process would have already been completed in this way.
If you want to do the reverse process, send photos from your Windows 10 computer to your phone Android or iPhone, the steps are no different. We can attach files from the application itself, but if we want we can select the files and then drag them into Telegram. We will only have to have the Saved Messages conversation open on the screen, to then drop the files in question on it. If they are photos, we are asked if we want to send them with or without compression, so we choose the option we want (the original file is sent without compressing). Then we will be able to enter from the phone and download these photos or files in it in a normal way. A simple process, but one that makes sending files between these two devices much easier this way.