When we prepare a document using the Microsoft text editor, we must not only pay attention to the content, because the format also greatly influences the image that our work will convey. Therefore, it is important that you know how structure and organize text in Word.
We are going to see some parameters that will help you work faster and easier and that will make your texts have a more homogeneous and careful appearance. Take good notes!
The importance of structuring and organizing text in Word
Taking the trouble to improve the structure and organization of the text is important for the following reasons:
- Clarity and understanding. A good structure ensures that the reader understands the content better and can more easily locate what they are looking for. To do this we can use titles, subtitles and bold, among other formatting options.
- Professional presentation. By homogenizing the style we make the entire document look more professional and generate a good impression. This is especially important if we are working with long texts.
- Ease of editing. Knowing the different parameters that allow us to make changes to the text allows us to work faster and save time when doing our work.
- Accessibility. Proper organization of the text makes it easier for people with different abilities to read, ensuring that the content is accessible to everyone.
- Best reference. When the structure of the text is clear, it is easier to refer to specific sections of it, which is especially useful if you have to present the content of your document orally.
- Information hierarchy. The organization of the text allows us to establish a hierarchy of information, guiding the reader through the most important points in a way that is logical and coherent.
- Efficient use of tools. Word offers us a wide variety of tools that help enrich texts, such as indexes, tables of contents and bookmarks, and it turns out that all of them are more effective when the text is well structured.
Steps to structure and organize text in Word
There are many adjustments you can make, but we are going to talk to you about those that seem most practical to obtain good results and easier to apply.
Use header styles
If you are going to make a long text, it is essential that you divide the content through different headings (heading 1, heading 2, etc.), this will help you create the hierarchy of content that we talked about before.
To make sure you always use the same formatting, use the header styles option. It's as simple as going to the tab “Home” and choose from the “Styles” group.
Create a table of contents
Once you have applied the heading styles go to “References” and select the “Tables of Contents” option, this will automatically create an index with the headings, which will update quickly if you make any adjustments to your document. This way, you don't have to worry about creating the index manually and you save time and possible errors.
Create lists
There are times when it is especially important to make content easily digestible. For example, if you are showing complex information or if you want to make studying easier.
Instead of creating columns by hand, which sooner or later will end up getting messed up, create bulleted lists, so it will be easier for you to organize the key points.
To use the lists go to “Home” and Click on the bullet icon and choose the one you like. If you want to create a numbered list, you can also do it from here.
Insert page and section breaks
When writing, it is normal that you have to go from one section to another or change pages. If you are one of those who still do it by pressing “Enter”, it is time to forget about it, because Surely you have already realized that this does not give good results in the long run.
To structure and organize text in Word like a professional, use the specific functionalities that the Microsoft editor offers you.
page break:
- Place the cursor from where you want the new page to start.
- Go to the tab "Insert".
- Select “Page Break.”
Section break:
- Go to the tab "Page design".
- Click on "jumps" and choose the type of section break you want to use.
Add tables and graphs
Tables are great allies for presenting data clearly, while graphs are useful when visualizing information that may be more complex.
In both cases you can do it from the “Insert” tab. then you just have to choose “Table” or “Graph”. By clicking on the created table or graph you can see the options available to you to format them.
text format
There is no doubt that text formatting is king when it comes to structuring and organizing text in Word.
We recommend you choose a consistent and legible font type throughout the text. Then, highlight important information through formatting such as bold, italics, or underlining.
In the “Home” tab you have the buttons you need to apply the formatting easily visible, but you can also use these keyboard shortcuts:
- Ctrl + U. Underlined.
- Ctrl + Shift + W. Applies underlining to the selected words, but not to the spaces between them.
- Ctrl + Shift + D. Apply double underline formatting.
- Ctrl + I . Apply italic formatting.
- Ctrl + B. Apply bold formatting.
Page numbering
Even if the document is not going to be printed, numbering the pages can be very useful when accessing the information.
To add a page number you just have to follow the path “Insert” > “Page number” and Choose the location and format you prefer.
Headers and footers
If you need to use this format, follow the path “Insert” > “Header” or “Footer”, then you just have to choose the format and edit the text you want to appear at the beginning or end of each sheet.
Footnotes and references
Adding footnotes and references will give your text a much more careful and formal appearance. Putting this type of notes is very easy, all you have to do is place the cursor where you want the note to appear, then go to “References” > “Insert footnote”, Write the necessary information and it will appear at the bottom of the page.
It is that simple to structure and organize text in Word, do you dare to try it and tell us the results?