PDF is a format with which we work on a regular basis, practically daily. There may be times when the file we are working with is in a different language. It may happen that we do not understand that language well, so we want to translate it and thus be able to understand everything it says in it.
En este sentido, we have different ways to be able to translate a PDF on the computer. So it is possible for each user to find a way that best suits their situation and what they are looking for in each case. Best of all, they are simple in all cases.
Google Translate
Firstly, we can use google translate in this case. The possibility of translating documents in it, such as PDF files, was introduced some time ago. We just have to enter the translator, select the source and target languages and then upload the document in question on the web. For this we have the documents tab at the top. Then you just have to look for it on the computer.
Then when we've uploaded it, just click on the translate button. This PDF will be automatically translated and the content will be in the language you have requested. Very easy to use and extremely useful for translating these types of files. We can also use it with documents in other formats.
In addition, this function is also possible to use on Android. You can use the Google Translate app or in the browser, so that you can translate said PDF also from the phone without any problem.
Using Word
A second way to translate a PDF file is to use Word. The first thing we have to do is save said file as a Word document, so that later we can open it with the document editor. When it is ready, we open it using Word normally, as if it were any document with which we work on a regular basis.
Inside the top menu, we have to go to the Review tab. We will get several options in said top bar, one of which is Language. Clicking on it displays a few different options. You will be able to see that one of these options that comes out is the Translate document. We have to click on it in this case.
Then a window comes out, in which to configure said translation of this PDF. We can choose the input language and the output language. Once we have selected the languages that we want to use in this case, we just have to click on the blue translate button. The translation will be displayed on the screen in a couple of seconds.
Páginas web
Another way we can resort to in these cases is to use a web page. Just search on Google to see that we have quite a few options in this regard available. Although there are a couple of pages that will give us a better result. One of the best we can use in this field is called DocTranslator, which may sound like some. You can visit in this link.
Using it is really simple. When we enter the web, we see that at the top there are a series of options. One of the functions that we find is that of a translator. Click on it and it will then ask us to upload the document we want to translate. In this case we have to upload the PDF file that we are interested in translating at this time. To do this, click on the orange upload button and locate it on the computer.
When we have uploaded it, we select the source and output languages and give it to translate. Next, this translated PDF document will appear on the screen. We can read it without problems in a simple way. Furthermore, this web page allows us to download the translated version of the same if we want.