All or almost all of us turn off our computer, with Windows 10 or another operating system developed by Microsoft in the same way, that is, opening the Start menu and hitting the shutdown button and then "Shutdown". That this is the most popular way to turn off our computer, does not mean that it is the only one, much less that it is the best or most recommended.
For all this, today we are going to show you how to turn off your Windows 10 computer, in up to 6 different ways, so that you can choose how to do it, and above all so that you can choose the one you like the most and the one that you can get the most benefits from.
How to turn off Windows 10 with the keyboard
Few users know that Windows 10 can be turned off with our computer, which is more comfortable, or at least for us, than doing it with the mouse.
It can be done in several ways, but the best known may be to press the keys Alt + F4 if we are on the desktop (you can access it at full speed by pressing the Windows + D keys). When you click it, a window opens in which we have to press Enter so that the computer begins to shut down.
The second option to shut down Windows 10 with the keyboard is through the Windows + X command, which is equivalent to right-clicking on the Start menu. This option is certainly not as fast as the previous one we have seen, but it can be more than interesting if, for example, our mouse has become useless or we simply don't have it.
How to shut down Windows 10 using a shortcut
If you are not too convinced by having to use the keyboard to turn off Windows 10, you can resort to a much more comfortable option such as creating a shortcut. Just by clicking on it, our computer will start to shut down.
To create this shortcut we just have to press the right button of the mouse on any folder or on the Windows 10 desktop, and choose the New option. Next we must choose Direct Accessory and in the first window we will write shutdown.exe -s, and in the next one we put the name that we want to the file. Now you can move it and place it where you want so that it is as comfortable as possible to access it.
In addition, this series of commands allow us automate certain actions. We show you below some of the most interesting and above all useful;
- Shutdown.exe –r to restart the computer
- Shutdown.exe –L to log out
- Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState to hibernate the computer
- Powrprof.dll rundll32.exe,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 to put the computer to sleep or sleep
- Rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation to lock the device
- Shutdown.exe –a to abort the shutdown if we have accidentally given it
How to turn off Windows 10 with your voice through Cortana
Cortana It was the great novelty with which Windows 10 came to the market, becoming the first operating system for computers that incorporated a virtual assistant that allowed us, among other things, to control our device through voice commands.
Precisely one of those voice commands can help us to turn off the computer quickly and easily, and without having to use either the mouse or the keyboard. In addition, with the arrival of the new Windows 10 update, called Fall Creators Update, everything will become easier and it is that we will be able to close session, restart or turn off the computer in a direct way.
If you still do not have the Windows 10 update, you can activate the option to turn off the computer through Cortana by accessing;
C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start menu \ Programs
Once there you must create a shortcut with the following text; "Shutdown.exe –s".
Now we rename the shortcut as "Turn off computer" so that every time we tell Cortaba, she turns off our equipment.
How to use the computer's power button to turn off Windows 10
Usually the physical button of the CPU of our computer allows us to turn it on, and normally if we use it with the computer turned on it allows us to suspend it. Also, if we press it continuously, we can perform a formed shutdown, something that is not highly recommended.
Unlike what many believe, and that I myself believed until just a few days ago, Windows 10 and many other operating systems allow us to change the behavior of this button. Accessing the Control Panel and then the Power Options menu, we can modify the behavior of the buttons from the option; "Choose the behavior of the on / off buttons."
How to turn off Windows 10 with a countdown
As we have previously created the shortcut to turn off Windows 10, we can create it by adding a countdown. This timer can help us to impose ourselves a moment to turn off the computer, without there being much more option. For example, when going to work, we can put an account after 8 hours and that after that time the computer turns off.
To create this shortcut with a timer, we must add the following command; "Shutdown.exe -s -t XXX" where XXX would be the time we want to select, always in seconds.
If you want to be forewarned, in case you need to cancel this timer shutdown, you can create another shortcut that is; "Shutdown.exe -a".
How to shut down Windows 10 at full speed
Normally all or almost all of us want our computer to shut down at full speed. With Windows 10 this is possible thanks to several tricks that we are going to discuss and which are mainly based on Windows itself not having to close the programs we are using, but rather that we do it ourselves manually.
For this we are going to change three registry values. To open it we must type regedit.exe and access the path; HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
Once here we can create up to three entries to change the behavior that our computer has by default. To create them we must go to Edition, then to New and finally to String value. The three entries that we can create are the following;
Windows has a 20 second timeout for all applications to close. If we have already manually closed the applications, this waiting time does not make any sense, and we can reduce it to zero with this command. If we put 3000, the waiting time is reduced to 3 seconds or what is the same to turn off Windows 10 at full speed.
This value is that specifies the time that Windows considers a program to be hung, something that unfortunately happens more or less normally. By default this time is 5 seconds, but if we want to reduce this time it will be enough to use the HungAppTimeout command. To reduce the time to for example 2 seconds we must put the value 2000.
AutoEndTasks string
This is one of the most interesting options that can be modified through the Windows registry, and that with it We can choose to force the closure of the different programs that we have open. If we put 1 as a value, all the programs that we have open will be closed forcibly and if we put a 0 we will have to close them manually.
Ready to start using some of the ways we have shown you to shut down a Windows 10 computer?.