How to uninstall games in Windows 10

  • Identify the platform from which you installed the game.
  • Uninstalling games can be done from the settings or from the application itself.
  • Remember to back up progress if it is not stored in the cloud.
  • It is necessary to uninstall the games before removing the gaming platform.

Uninstall Windows games

How to uninstall games in Windows 10 and Windows 11 is a question that many users ask themselves when they are looking to free up space on their hard drive and see how the game they want to delete is not available from where we usually uninstall applications.

The first thing we must keep in mind when uninstalling games in Windows 10 is knowing where we have installed it from.

Currently, there are a large number of platforms from which to install games: Epic Games Store, Steam, Origin, Activision, GOG and, of course, the Microsoft Store.

One thing is to uninstall the games that we install through the respective game stores available in the market and another, very different thing, is to uninstall the application that gives us access to them.

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The platforms used to download games include a series of measures to avoid hacks or cheats in the game.

If we don't have the application installed, we will never be able to run the games independently, with few exceptions.

Next, I show you how to uninstall games in Windows 10 and Windows 11, depending on the platform from which they have been installed.

How to uninstall games from the Microsoft Store

To uninstall a game installed from the Microsoft Store, we must carry out the same steps that we do to uninstall any application that we have installed on our computer.

Uninstall Microsoft Store apps

  • We access the Windows configuration options through the keyboard shortcut Windows + i.
  • Then click on Applications
  • We look for the name of the application that we want to uninstall and select it with the mouse.
  • Next, click on the Uninstall button
Please note that if your progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back it up if you want to pick up where you left off in the future.

Depending on the size of the game, the process will take from a few seconds to several minutes. Once uninstalled, if we want to play again, we must install it again.

How to uninstall games from the Epic Games Store

Epic Games does not allow you to uninstall games through the Windows configuration options, as other platforms do.

FOR uninstall games installed from the Epic Games Store, we must perform the steps that I show you below:

uninstall games from epic games store

  • We open the Epic Games Store.
  • We go to the Library section and look for the game we want to delete.
  • Just below the title to uninstall, there are 3 horizontal points on which we have to click.
  • From the options menu that is displayed, we select the Uninstall option.

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall games from Steam

FOR uninstall games installed through the Steam platform, you can do it in the traditional way through the Windows configuration options or from the application by performing the following steps:

How to uninstall games from Steam

  • We open Steam and go to the game library.
  • Click on the game that we want to uninstall in the left column.
  • In the right column, click on the cogwheel.
  • Next, click on Manage > Delete.
Related article:
How to change where Steam games are installed on your PC

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall Origin games

Origin, like the Epic Games Store, does not allow us to uninstall the games installed through its application, being the only option to uninstall it from the application by performing the steps that I show you below:

uninstall origin games

  • We open the application.
  • In the left column, click on My Game Library.
  • In the right column, we look for the game that we want to delete and click on it with the right mouse button.
  • Of the different options that are displayed, we select the Uninstall option.

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall Activision games

The games that we install through the Activision application, we can uninstall them directly from the Windows configuration options.

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall Ubisoft games

The games that we install through the Ubisoft Connect application, we can uninstall them directly from the Windows configuration options or directly from the application by following these steps:

uninstall ubisoft games

  • We open the application and go to the Games section.
  • We select the game that we want to uninstall, press the right button and select the Uninstall option.

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall games from Amazon Games

To uninstall the games installed through the Amazon Games platform, you can do it in the traditional way through the Windows configuration options or from the application by performing the following steps:

Uninstall Amazon Games

  • We open the application and go to the Installed section, located in the left column.
  • Next, we place the mouse over the game and with the right mouse button, click and select the Uninstall option.

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall GOG games

GOG allows us to uninstall the games installed through the traditional way as well as directly from the application following the steps that I show you below:

uninstall gog games

  • We open the application
  • In the left column, click on Installed.
  • We go to the left column and click with the right mouse button on the title to uninstall and select the option: Manage Installation.
  • Next, click on Uninstall.

Remember: If your game progress is not stored in the cloud, you will need to back up your games.

How to uninstall gaming platforms

To completely remove the application store from our computer, we must perform the steps that I detail below, but not before uninstalling all the games that we have installed on that platform.

Since, otherwise, it will be impossible to uninstall it as we have explained in this article, but it will still be possible to remove it from our computer by manually deleting the directories where they are installed.

How to uninstall gaming platforms

  • We access the Windows configuration options through the keyboard shortcut Windows + i.
  • Then click on Applications
  • We look for the name of the application that we want to uninstall and select it with the mouse.
  • Next, click on the Uninstall button

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