In Windows 10 we have a series of applications that are installed by default. One of them is Mail, which although it may be useful, a large part of the users do not use it at any time. Therefore, they wish not to have it installed on the computer. But, as many of you know, uninstalling applications that are installed by default in Windows 10 is not easy.
We have a way of doing it though. So next we are going to show you the steps we have to follow to be able to remove the mail application from your Windows 10 computer. The process is not as simple as uninstalling a third-party application, but it is less complicated than many think.
Since applications such as Windows 10 Mail have to be uninstalled from the system itself. We cannot delete them like normal programs. Nor can we use tools to uninstall programs, because they will not work. What do we have to do then?
We are going to have to use a tool that we have on the system, called PowerShell. So you have to open it with administrator permissions. Therefore, we write Windows PowerShell in the search box. Next we will get an application with this name. We right-click and select execute as an administrator.
We are going to get a command line below. We have to write and launch the following command that we show you: Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers. When we use it, a list will be displayed with the applications that we have installed in Windows 10. We have to move through the list and look for the option that is called microsoft.windowscommunicationapps and we copy the full name of the package or PackageFullName.
Next we have to use the Remove-AppxPackage command (…) In the ellipsis we have to insert what we have copied before. When you run this command, the Windows 10 Mail application will be permanently uninstalled.