We teach you how to use Shazam on PC

  • Shazam is a music recognition software, launched in 2008, that identifies songs using the device's microphone.
  • The tool allows users to search and play music through their browser, using a Chrome extension.
  • It provides information about the song and the artist, as well as access to platforms such as Apple Music and YouTube.
  • Shazam is free and accessible to anyone with Google Chrome and an internet connection.

Shazam Chrome

How many times have you heard a song for the first time, liked it a lot, and couldn't listen to it anymore because you didn't have any information about it? We all go through this at least once and for big music fans this is very unfortunate. That is why, with the advent of smartphones and the possibility of creating applications of all kinds, one aimed at covering this need arrived. So it was enough to take out the mobile, open the app and we would immediately obtain all the information on the topic that is playing. But, what happens if we are from the computer? That is why, today, we want to teach you how to use Shazam on your PC to easily identify any song.

If you've been on a live stream, watching a video or a movie and you've been missing out on what songs are playing, here's everything you need to know to take advantage of Shazam's features in Windows.

What is Shazam?

If you're coming here looking for a way to identify songs from your computer, then it's worth learning a little about Shazam. It is a music recognition software that began to be developed in 1999, however, it made its appearance as we know it today in 2008 for the iOS platform. Subsequently, its access to other platforms such as Android would open up and, in addition, very interesting options were incorporated, such as the possibility of playing the song on various services.

Shazam's operation is based on taking advantage of the microphone of the devices where it is installed to capture the audio. From the segment obtained, it generates a digital fingerprint that it compares with the service's database to identify which song it is. Later, it locates it in the different music services so that we can play it. This process is carried out in a matter of seconds from mobile phones and also from the computer.

Since 2017, Shazam belongs to Apple and they have brought very interesting news. In this sense, those who are looking for how to use Shazam on PC should know that they can do it through the Chrome extension that is available. Here we show you how to do it.

How to use Shazam on my PC?

As we mentioned before, Shazam offers a browser plugin that will allow you to recognize songs from your computer. The fact that it is an extension opens the possibility that users of any operating system can access the service. In this sense, the only requirement we have is to have an installation of Google Chrome in its most recent version and an internet connection.

Installing Shazam

To begin the process of incorporating Shazam into our team, we must follow this link which will take us to the manufacturer's site.

Shazam website

There, you will receive the option to go to the Chrome store from where we can obtain the extension, click on it.

Shazam Chrome Store

Immediately, we will go to the Chrome store where you will see the blue button «Add to Chrome“, click it to download and install the plugin in the browser.

Recognizing songs with Shazam in Chrome

Now, we only have to start using Shazam to recognize those songs that we like and of which we do not have any information. This way, As it is an extension, we must activate it precisely in the tab where the audio we want to identify is being played. 

For example, if you're watching a Twitch stream and want to know what song is playing, then click the Shazam icon in the extensions bar.

Shazam Listening

Immediately, a small panel will be displayed with the message "Listening", this means that it is capturing a segment of what sounds to generate the fingerprint. After a few seconds, you will see the message change to "Looking for Results» to then show the name of the song and the artist.

Shazam Result

Additionally, the extension has a tab at the bottom that, when clicked, displays the query history that we have made, something very useful if we forget one. On the other hand, the service also offers the possibility of playing the complete song from Apple Music. In this way, if you have a subscription to this platform, you can go directly to it to listen to it. However, with the data provided by Shazam, we can manually search for it on YouTube or another site.

In this way, we see that it is a really simple process and the best, totally free. In this sense, you will have the possibility of making the number of queries you want to identify the topics that you like. Shazam is a great tool for music lovers and having it on the computer, as well as on the mobile, opens the door for us to continue discovering new material.

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