How to use the Linux sudo command on Windows

  • The sudo command allows you to execute actions with elevated privileges in Linux and has been integrated into Windows 11.
  • The key to using sudo is the user's password itself, which is requested when running commands.
  • It is crucial to understand the impact of commands before running them with sudo to avoid damage to the system.
  • Use of sudo should be limited and command history should always be reviewed to maintain system security.

How to use the Linux sudo command on Windows

El sudo command In Linux it is a tool that gives access to execute a series of privileged actions for which it is necessary to have administrator or superuser permissions. Now, Windows is integrating this command to allow running tasks in administrator mode from its console.

Let's see what this command really entails and how we can use it in Windows 11. This way, even if you have never used Linux, you will be able to take advantage of one of its most popular commands. But remember that to operate with the operating system you always have to do it with caution.

What is the sudo command and what is it for?

What is the sudo command and what is it for?

Sudo on Linux is a tool that gives access to commands with elevated privileges for which administrator or superuser permissions are required. In fact, its name derives from “superuser do”.

In Linux, the user who has administrator permissions has full control over the system. You can perform tasks such as:

  • Order critical changes.
  • Install or remove software.
  • Modify system configuration files.

The sudo command allows a normal user temporarily and controlledly assuming certain privileges. For example, if a user wants to install a new software package, he can use sudo to obtain permissions to perform this action.

The sudo command is commonly used in Linux environments, because it strikes a good balance between the necessary security and the convenience of non-superusers can perform some administrative tasks on the system. Therefore, to access it, it is necessary to have a key or password.

How to use the sudo command in Windows

How to use the sudo command in Windows

Windows remained a very independent operating system for a long time. Ignoring the functionalities of tools specific to Unix-based operating systems such as Linux. But its strategy has changed in recent years.

For some time now, it has shown greater interest in being compatible with some of the Linux tools. This explains why the sudo command is about to arrive in Windows 11.

Changing the user in Linux to a superuser is quite accessible thanks to this command we are talking about, but In Windows it is somewhat more complicated. Anyone who is not the system administrator has a difficult time making certain settings.

Currently, to run commands in administrator mode in Windows, we have to start the computer in administrator mode. Once the sudo command is operational, we can log in as a normal user, and execute the necessary commands in administrator mode when necessary.

It is not something that normal users are going to use very frequently. If you work with your personal computer, you are the administrator yourself and you can make changes without problem. FOR open a command window You don't have to complicate your life too much.

If you use a company computer, you have IT support at your disposal if you need to install or delete something. Therefore, this functionality is aimed more at developers, who are used to executing commands on Unix-based systems.

What is the sudo key?

A fundamental concept that we must tKeep in mind when we talk about the sudo command it is the key. This is the password of the user who wants access to run elevated privileges using sudo.

It is the same password aswhich user you have to log in, There is no specific key for sudo.

When a person executes a command using sudo, The system will ask you to enter your password. This security measure seeks to guarantee that the user has permission to execute a certain command.

If the password is correct, the system will temporarily remember it and allow it to do the task it wanted to do. After a few minutes, if the privileged commands have not finished executing, the key will be requested again.

Precautions when using the sudo command

Precautions when using the sudo command

When using this command on Linux, or its version of Windows, it is important to take a series of precautions into account.

Understand what sudo does

Before executing a command of this type, you must understand well what it does and how it can affect the system. This will prevent accidents.

If you are not sure how it works, or the consequences that a certain action executed with administrator permissions may have, do not do it. Ask the experts for help, that's what they are there for.

Verify authenticity of commands

If you use commands from external sources, such as third-party scripts, be sure to check their authenticity and security before running them with sudo.

Generally speaking, you should never install anything on your computer if you don't trust its origin. This applies both when you act as an administrator and when you act as a user.

Refrain from copying and pasting commands that you have obtained directly from websites or forums if you have not first achieved proper verification. These environments can be filled with malicious or incorrect commands that have the capacity to cause serious damage to the operating system.

Review command syntax

Before running a sudo command Check its syntax carefully in case you have made any writing errors. This is important, because a small mistake can cause unwanted actions with unexpected consequences.

Limit the use of sudo

If possible, do not abuse this command. Use it only when it is really necessary. This reduces the risk of errors occurring and the system being damaged.

Review command history

Once you have executed sudo commands check the history, to verify the actions taken and verify that there are no suspicious activities or that have not been authorized.

The sudo command arrives in Windows 11 and will open a window of opportunities to make changes to the operating system. But you should not start using this functionality if you really do not understand well what it is about. Even if you are an expert in the field, keep in mind the advice we have seen, to reduce the risk of something going wrong.

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