How to use WhatsApp Web without QR code

  • WhatsApp Web allows you to access instant messaging from your computer.
  • It can be used without scanning a QR code by validating by phone number.
  • The session usually remains open, which can be a privacy risk.
  • There are shortcuts and tools to improve productivity on WhatsApp Web.

What is the WhatsApp Web QR code for?

Let's see how to use WhatsApp Web without QR code, because you can use the instant messaging application on your computer without needing to scan the code.

It is very simple to do and will facilitate your connection to the desktop version of the most popular messaging app worldwide. This way you won't waste time when it's time to start your work or study day.

What is the WhatsApp Web QR code for?

WhatsApp is an app designed for communication from mobile phones. In fact, when registering, what we are asked to do is indicate our telephone number. Therefore, when accessing the web version, We are asked to scan a QR code from our mobile phone, in order to verify that the user of the mobile version and the web is the same.

The QR code is a structure that contains a large amount of information through its pixels. When we scan this code in WhatsApp Web, what we are doing is providing the system with a unique code that it will associate with our mobile. In fact, to improve security, we will not obtain any results if we scan the QR with another reader, we must necessarily use the WhatsApp reader, so that the mobile and web sessions are linked.

This code does not appear in the WhatsApp app but on the app's website. When you open the web address it appears on the right side, just above the “Keep session active” option. The only thing you have to What to do is scan it with the code reader of your WhatsApp mobile app and your session automatically opens on your computer.

How to use WhatsApp Web without QR code

How to use WhatsApp Web without QR code

The confirmation code is a safe and quick way to join your sessions in the instant messaging app, but it is not the only one, there is another alternative:

Access WhatsApp Web and click on the option “Link with phone number” which you will see at the bottom of the screen, highlighted in green. This will open another screen where you have to type your phone number.

By clicking on "Following" A verification code will be sent to your mobile, and you have to enter it on the browser screen.

Next, open WhatsApp on your mobile and click on the three dots to open the Menu. Choose the “Linked devices” option in the settings section and click “Pair a device”. Then click on “Link to phone number” and you are ready to use WhatsApp Web without having to scan the QR code.

This validation method is just as effective and fast as the previous one, the thing is that it is a little slower and more complex, because more steps have to be taken. Hence, most people prefer to use the QR code.

The session remains open

The session remains open

One of the things you should keep in mind when using WhatsApp Web is that, by default, the session will remain open. Even if you turn off your computer, the next time you turn it on your session will be available and you will not have to scan the QR again to make the connection. This, which is very comfortable, It is also a risk to your privacy if the equipment is shared, because anyone could access your conversations.

It is recommended that, if you use the desktop version and share the computer, log out of WhatsApp Web before turning off the computer. You have to disconnect from the three vertical points that appear in the upper left corner of the screen, clicking on the option "Sign off". If you just close the window with the app, the session remains open.

Once the session is closed, the next time you want to connect to WhatsApp Web, it will ask you again to scan the QR or, failing that, follow the steps we have seen to identify yourself without this code.

Tips to get more out of WhatsApp Web

Tips to get more out of WhatsApp Web

If you have decided to use this application, here are some tricks to make better use of its features:

Keyboard shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts They allow you to perform certain functions quickly, without having to move your hands from the keyboard to the mouse and vice versa. Here are some examples that will save you time:

  • Use Ctrl + N to start a new conversation.
  • Use Ctrl + F to search within a conversation.
  • Use Ctrl + Shift + M to mute a conversation.
  • Use Ctrl + E to archive a conversation.
  • Use Ctrl + Backspace to delete a conversation.
  • Use Ctrl + Shift + U to mark a message as unread.
  • Use Ctrl + Shift + E to leave a group.
  • Use Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new group.

Notification management

So that notifications are not annoying or distracting when you have to work or study, go to the settings menu and turn off the sound.

Another way to avoid distractions is to mute group chats and one-on-one conversations. For it, Click on the conversation in question and then click on the three dots icon and select “Mute”.

Share files

One of the advantages of WhatsApp Web is that you can directly share files you have on your computer with your contacts.

You can click on the clip icon that You will see at the top of the chat window to send documents, videos, images and even contacts. If you want to go even faster, drag and drop files into the chat window.

Pin important chats

If you have chats open that are especially important when you're on your computer, like your work group, you can pin this conversation to the top.

Click on the three dots icon and select “Pin chat.” This will allow you to quickly and easily access the chats that are most interesting to you.

Accessibility and personalization

In the web version you can also choose between light or dark mode, which helps reduce your eyestrain. And you can also adjust the text size according to your preferences.

Now that you know how to use WhatsApp Web without a QR code and how to get more out of it, it's time to make the most of all the features of this application.

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