What TwitchTracker is and how it works

  • TwitchTracker is an essential tool for streamers looking to improve their performance on Twitch.
  • Provides key metrics such as number of viewers, followers, and viewing duration.
  • Allows you to analyze and compare data with other streamers to identify areas for improvement.
  • There are complementary tools such as Social Blade and Twitch Metrics for additional analysis.

twitch tracker

Si Twitch For you, it is more than just entertainment and you actually aspire to create good content and reach an even larger audience, it is essential to have all the data at hand. Your own statistics and those of your competitors. To have all this information and learn how to use it, there is an unbeatable tool called Twitch Tracker.

Using this resource will not guarantee you becoming a Twitch star. That takes a lot of work and, it must be said, also some luck. However, it is evident that the better we know the environment and the impact (both positive and negative) of our actions, We will have more options to find the right path.

Twitch offers its users fairly complete information about their own activity. Apart from providing the means to broadcast without problems, it offers statistics on followers and visits. But this is of little use if it is not compared with the numbers of others streamers of success. That is the only way to know what the real scope of each person's activity is.

And this is where TwitchTracker comes in. This "tracker" will provide us with abundant and interesting data from the best streamers: your daily flow of visits, your records, the current topics, the channels that are growing the most...

Statistics don't lie. And information is power. They are two phrases that we have heard a thousand times, although that does not make them any less true.

What is TwitchTracker?

twitch ranking

This tool could be defined with a great compiler of Twitch data and statistics which offers an invaluable source of information to streamers of this network. Both to "professionals" and to simple amateurs. It is not only a reference to know which channels to follow, but a way to better understand how this platform works and obtain the maximum benefit from it.

There are those who have said, quite correctly, that what TwitchTracker does with our channel is similar to what an SEO audit does with a website. To get a little idea of ​​this, just take a look at some of its most notable metrics:

  • Number of spectators of each live broadcast. The basic thermometer we need to know the reach and popularity of our broadcasts.
  • Number of followers. How many users are following you? Growing the number of followers and knowing how to maintain their loyalty is one of the great challenges of streamers.
  • Average viewing duration. The fact that viewers stay glued to the broadcast longer is an unequivocal sign that they like the content. A sign that we are doing well.
  • Chat activity. There is an important qualitative difference between a streaming with viewers actively participating in the chat and one in which there is hardly any movement. In general, having more comments means that the content is better and more interesting.
  • Charts and data analysis. An instrument that helps us better interpret these metrics.

How to use TwitchTracker to improve and grow?


Okay, TwitchTracker puts endless data on the table. But you have to know how to interpret them to draw up the correct strategy that allows our channel to grow. The first reading that any user should do is detect the most obvious errors or deficiencies. The aspects that need to be worked on more.

From there, it is about analyzing the data on a regular basis, introduce changes and monitor their effectiveness. If the efforts are successful, we will soon experience the desired growth of our audience.

Another way to get benefits from TwitchTracker is openly offer the data you provide us. By doing this, we will gain the trust of potential advertisers (as well as future new followers), while at the same time fostering a spirit of community and belonging around our channel. The public values ​​transparency very positively.

In short, TwitchTracker is A must have tool for any streamer who aspire to maximize their overall performance on Twitch.

Other similar tools

twitch metrics

Although we already mentioned that TwitchTracker is the most complete of all, there are other tools that may be interesting for many users when analyzing specific aspects of their activity on Twitch. Useful to advance and improve. These are some of those platforms:

Social Blade

Through this informative website we will be able to know what is happening at the top of the ranking in Twitch statistics and other social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (now X) or YouTube, for example. Social Blade tells us what they are streamers most followed and offers us statistical comparisons between the best.

Link: Social Blade

Twitch Metrics

The name of this website is already quite descriptive. Twitch Metrics It works very similar to TwitchTracker (for which it can be a good complement), delving deeper into some specific aspects: languages, hot topics and fashionable games, illustrious followers, more frequent broadcast schedules, etc.

Link: Twitch Metrics

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.