I can't install Adobe Reader on Windows

  • Adobe Reader is essential for opening PDF files on various platforms.
  • Common problems include failure to download and install the program.
  • Disabling antivirus and proxies may help resolve installation issues.
  • Checking system requirements and running as administrator improves installation.

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Files in PDF format managed to have a huge presence in all areas where documents are handled. All of us at some point have had to send or open a file of this type. To achieve this, we need to have compatible applications capable of reading them and one of the most popular options is the one created by Adobe. However, in these processes some failures are usually generated and we want to talk about it today. If you have problems downloading or installing Adobe Reader on your computer, here we will show you the steps to follow to solve it.

This program is the most representative option when it comes to opening PDF files and therefore, it is worth solving the installation and download errors, to have it on our computer.

What is Adobe Reader?

Before getting into the matter of how to solve the issue of downloading and installing Adobe Reader, it is worth knowing a little about the program. Adobe is the creator of a large amount of software oriented to different uses, thus, regarding PDFs, they brought to the market one called Acrobat dedicated to the creation and edition of these documents.. Meanwhile, for those who just need to open them and view their content, they produced Adobe Reader, much lighter, making it a fixture on many computers.

Like any other software, Adobe Reader has peculiarities that can cause errors during its download, installation and execution. Today we are going to focus on the first two, since many users often have complaints about not being able to incorporate the program into their computers. In this sense, we will carry out a failure resolution process where we will review from the simplest to the most complex to find the origin and solution of the problem.

What to do if I can't download or install Adobe Reader?

Download problems

If you can't download Adobe Reader, we recommend checking the following:

  • Internet connection.
  • Speed ​​and stability of the internet connection.
  • JavaScript enabled in the browser.
  • Discipline this link alternative for download

If the alternative link does not give you good results either, it is best to try another internet connection, since the origin of the problem must be there. Generally, with unstable services, the download usually starts and ends without having downloaded the entire program. So, when executing the file, we will receive an error and have to try the download again.

Installation problems

If you have managed to download the Adobe Reader installer, we only have to run it to incorporate it into the system. However, it is also common for errors to be generated in this step and below we are going to show you what you should check.

Disable proxy

The actual Adobe Reader installer downloads the files from the company's servers. In this sense, it is necessary that we have an internet connection to complete the process. However, In many environments, computers are often behind proxy servers and the Adobe installer has been shown to fail to function properly in the presence of one.

Therefore, it is best to try to install the program outside of this environment or disable the proxy server.

Check the antivirus

Adobe has received many user reports that their antivirus detects the installer as a Trojan. This is nothing more than a false positive, however, the notifications have been so many that it is a case registered on the Adobe site. The specific company that the most recurring cases occur with antivirus from Comodo, Jiangmin and Rising.

Faced with this situation, the providers in question are taking care of solving the problem, although it still continues to appear. That is why, what we recommend to start the installation of the program is to temporarily disable the antivirus.

Check that you meet the system requirements

This is a determining factor not only for Adobe Reader, but for any application or program. The system requirements indicate what the software needs in terms of hardware to work. In that sense, if you were able to download Adobe Reader, but you have problems with the installation, you need to check this aspect.

From this link you can review the system requirements of this program and compare it with that of your computer, to determine if the problem is there.

Run as administrator

Privileges are an important issue in many operating system environments, where we generally need them to perform processes like installations. In this sense, if you are receiving errors when executing the Adobe Reader installer or during the incorporation of the files, it may be a solution to start it again as administrator.

To do this, right-click and in the context menu, you will see the option “Run as administrator” just below “Open”. Click, confirm the action and immediately the installer window will be displayed. In this way, it is possible that the program manages to incorporate its files into the directories it needs, thanks to the permissions granted.

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