How to insert a PDF into Word

  • There are several ways to insert a PDF into Word, including direct and indirect methods.
  • Inserting a PDF allows you to display specific content within a Word document.
  • You can choose to use links to reference a PDF without embedding it directly.
  • Converting a PDF to Word makes it easy to add text and can be done using online tools.

Insert PDF into Word

We are all used to handling Word and PDF documents for various purposes. In this blog we have been analyzing many of the things that can be done with both formats: how to edit a pdf, how to open a pdf in word, etc. In this post we are going to see how to insert a pdf in word

To clarify concepts, we have to distinguish the insertion of a PDF inside a Word document from other similar operations, but not the same, such as inserting an icon or a link. Inserting a PDF is, as the word itself indicates, insert part or all of the content of a PDF within a Word document, as we would do, for example, with an image.

If it is about making a reference to the PDF within Word, the link is the most correct way to do it. This gives us access to the complete document to be consulted in depth. On the other hand, if we only want to show a specific part or fragment of this PDF, using the embed resource is the most appropriate. To use a common simile, it would be something like taking a "photo" of the part of the PDF that we want to show.

Here we explain how it is done, as there are different methods:

Four Ways to Insert PDF into Word

insert into word

We review the four basic methods to perform this operation: insert the entire file from Word, using the copy and paste resource, insert as image or insert as object:

Insert from Word

The content of a PDF can be inserted into Word from the same options panel of this program. Of course, this only allows us to insert the entire document. This is how to proceed:

  1. In the Word document, we go to the options menu and click on "Insert".
  2. Within the menu that opens, we select "Text".
  3. Then we choose "Object".
  4. Among the new options that appear, we select "Insert text from file".
  5. Finally, we will search our files for the PDF that we want to insert so that it appears inserted in its entirety within our Word document.

Copy and paste

The classic method, perhaps not too sophisticated, but it will also help us to insert a PDF into Word. We can do this copy-paste with the mouse or using the key combinations Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (paste).

Something that we must take into account is that this can be useful for the text of the PDF, but it will not help us to insert images, graphics, tables and other contents of the PDF document.

insert as image

This method can be a good complement to the previous "Copy and paste" method. It will help us to insert the contents of the PDF other than the pure and hard text. On the other hand, it will not give good results if what we want is to include text.

The method consists of taking a screenshot of the PDF document (of a part of it) using the key Print Screen, thus generating a file that we can later insert as an image into the Word document with these steps:

  1. In the top menu of Word, we choose "Images".
  2. Among the options that open, we select the one of "Insert pictures from this device."
  3. Then we load the image generated with the screenshot, which we can place in the place we want within the document.

insert as object

The fourth method to insert a PDF in Word is the option to insert it as a embedded object. The way to do it is similar to the previous one: from the “Insert” option, we choose “Object” and then we select the document.

Insert a link to the PDF inside the document

pdf link in word

This is another method of including a PDF document in the center of a Word document, but for reference only. It can be used when we are writing a document whose content is partly based on another external document (the PDF), to which we want to refer or cite.

The most correct in this case is insert the PDF as a hyperlink, using the anchor text whichever seems more appropriate. These are the steps to follow:

  1. First we must select the word or words on which we want to place the link.
  2. Then we go to the Word options menu, located at the top of the document, and select "Links" and then "Insert hyperlink".
  3. In the next window that opens, among four options that are displayed, you must choose the one of "Link to a document" and load the PDF.

In this way, when we read the Word, we only have to click on the link to open the PDF in a new window.

Convert PDF to Word and paste its content

One last way to insert a PDF into a Word document is to modify the format of the original PDF in order to be able to insert it into the Word text naturally. This actually happens by making a PDF to Word document conversion.

This operation can be carried out through numerous online tools, some of which we have collected and explained in this post.

Once the file has been converted, we will be able to send it by email or download it to our computer. Then we can simply use the old "copy and paste" method so that the text is integrated into the Word document on which we wanted to insert the PDF, without fear of incompatibilities.

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