How to install Windows 10 Mobile

  • Windows 10 Mobile brings great new features and functionality for mobile users.
  • Installing Windows Insider is the first step to getting the update.
  • It's important to check for updates after installing Windows 10 Mobile.
  • Making a backup before upgrading is highly recommended.

10 Windows Mobile

After a long and tedious wait a little over a month ago Microsoft officially launched on the market 10 Windows Mobile. This new operating system was highly anticipated by everyone due to the great innovations and new functionalities that it offered to users on our mobile devices. At the moment this new software has not reached all Lumia terminals, since its deployment still continues today, but if your smartphone is compatible with the new Windows, today we are going to show you how to install Windows 10 Mobile.

It goes without saying that we are going to explain to you how to install it in all the ways that are available and in the simplest way that we can, so that you and anyone else with less knowledge or skill can get iInstall Windows 10 Mobile on your smartphone without too much trouble.

The main problem that has appeared in recent times is that many terminals, compatible with Windows 10 Mobile, are not receiving the new software in a normal way. Today we are going to solve this problem, so go for your mobile device and get ready to receive the new Windows 10 and start enjoying it.

Install Windows Insider

The first step that we must carry out is to install the Windows Insider program that you can download for example from the official Microsoft application store. As soon as we install it, it will notify us that some versions of the software may not be stable and present errors, but do not worry that we are only going to install final versions and that they will not get you in any trouble or problem.

Windows Insider

Now you should get preliminary versions. In the event that you were not registered as an Insider, it will ask you to do so, before being able to check the existing versions. Below is a list of the different rings or types of Insider you want to subscribe to. In our case, we will choose the Insider Release Preview, which will allow us to have a stable version, that does not give us problems and that will be updated continuously.

Now the device will reboot and start to configure itself automatically. Let the process finish successfully. Do not worry completely because with the installation of this version of Windows 10 Mobile your device is at absolutely no risk.

Upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile

Once the mobile device has restarted, if we check the terminal updates in the configuration menu, We should already have the new Windows 10 Mobile available. Now it would only be necessary to install it and wait for the process to complete, we already warned you that it will take as is logical and normal.

Once the update is finished installing it is very important that you check again which version of Windows 10 Mobile you have installed and if there are more updates available. In most cases, a Build is installed first, followed by a newer, more recent one available to install. If there is a new version of Windows 10 Mobile ready to install, install it in the same way as you did the first time.

As soon as Windows 10 Mobile is already installed on your terminal, remember that Microsoft has control of the updates, so we should not wait for any operator to release them and put them into circulation. This means that from time to time you will have to check the available updates since the Redmond team is continuously releasing improvements and corrections for their new operating system, which still lacks many things to be perfect.

Windows 10

Finally it's time to go back to the production ring

This option is totally optional and It is indicated for all those who trust us too much of the Insider Release Preview ring. Going back to the production ring we make sure that we will not receive any update until a version is released, let's call it stable in some way. This would give us peace of mind and that our smartphone will not be exposed to risk at any time.

Of course, going back to this production ring means running out of updates that in many cases will take a while to be available in an official way and that in many cases can solve problems, errors or offer new quite interesting functionalities, so Think carefully about this change, since it does not make much sense since both rings are very similar.

Is it advisable to use this method to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile?

This is surely one of the questions that many of you who have read this article up to this point are asking yourself. The answer is quite simple and is that of course It is advisable to update our mobile device to Windows 10 Mobile using this method.

It is provided and supported by Microsoft itself and at no time is there any risk to our terminal. The only thing that is recommended, to be totally safe and avoiding any risk, is to make a backup copy of all the data that we have stored on our smartphone. Windows 10 Mobile should not officially reach all compatible devices, but if you want to anticipate a few weeks, do not hesitate and update your smartphone using this method, which is totally recommended and safe.

Windows 10 Mobile took a long time to reach the market in an official way and is now taking a long time to deploy, beginning to despair of some users who have been wanting to start using Microsoft's new operating system for months. With the small tutorial that we have shown you today, the wait is over and from now on you can start using the new Windows on your terminal, yes, as long as it is within the list of compatible terminals provided by Microsoft.

Ready to install Windows 10 Mobile on your mobile device?. Once you install it and if you feel like it, you can tell us your first impressions about this new operating system. For this you can use the space reserved for comments on this post or one of the social networks in which we are present.

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      Daniel said

    Good Morning.
    Since the update to w10 came out several weeks ago I have been trying to install it, at first almost daily and now every 3 or 4 days and I always get the same error that there is no way to find out what it is.
    The error code is 0x80070002.
    If you know of a similar case that has a solution, I would appreciate knowing how to go to W10.
    My mobile is a Lumia 735.
    Thanks and greetings!

      Juan Pablo said

    Hi, I want to know if I would have any problems installing it on my AT&T lumia 640 LTE. Since I still can't do it officially.