How to Join Multiple Disks to One Drive in Windows 10

  • Windows 10 allows you to combine multiple drives into a single drive using the Storage Spaces feature.
  • This feature protects data and optimizes the use of available space.
  • It offers different levels of resistance for storage, adapting to different needs.
  • It also allows you to easily manage and remove drives from the combined space.

Windows 10

Windows 10 is an operating system that stands out for offering us many options. In fact, there are still many functions that are unknown to many users. One of them is being able to combine multiple hard drives into a single drive. The specific name of this function is storage spaces, and it was already introduced with Windows 8. But it has been with Windows 10 when it's perfected and it has become something of use.

What is this function for? It can be of enorme helps to protect data that are stored in any of these units in case of error. It also allows us take advantage of the total capacity of that unit. This function allows us to group two or three units in the same space.

It is not a function that is known to the general public, but it certainly stands out for being extremely useful. Therefore, you we explain below how several disks are joined in a single unit in Windows 10. Although, before starting it is important that there are at least two physical drives connected to the computer. Be they internal hard drives, or SSD connected with USB. But it is a necessary requirement. If it is fulfilled, we can start.

Steps to follow Storage spaces

We open the assistant Cortana and in the search box we must write «storage spaces«. Next you will get the tool that we have talked about. We simply have to run it And so we start this process. Then click on the option create a new group and storage spaces. Once this is done we have to select the units that we are going to use to create said group.

Then ask us give the unit a name and letter that we are going to create. He also asks us to let's select the type of resistance that you are going to have. In this sense we have several options available. We can choose between No resistance, Simple, Double reflection, Triple reflection or Parity. Choose the one you want or the one that suits you the most. In addition, we also have to write the maximum storage size that this unit can reach. What do each of these resistance options mean?

  • No resistance: It allows us an increase in performance although it does not allow us to protect files in case of failure
  • Reflex resistance: It offers us protection. Also, the more mirrors the more copies are made for file protection
  • Triple reflex: You are going to make two copies of the files. In addition, it also has the ability to tolerate errors in two drives. So it is a fairly safe and reliable alternative.
  • Parity: Designed to increase storage efficiency. In addition, it offers protection in case of errors, but it is necessary to have at least three units connected. So it is a good option if you have a huge volume of data to store.

storage spaces

Once we have entered this information, we can now create the storage space.

Additional considerations

With these steps the process would be finished, but there are some aspects that we must consider. While this process has been greatly improved with Windows 10, it may take a long time to complete. So you have to be patient. Since it is a process that can be extremely useful to protect the data that we have stored in these units. What's more, much more efficient use of space is made of storage.

Hard disk write cache

It may be the case that want to remove one of these drives from storage space that you have created. Windows 10 offers us the possibility to do it. Also, achieving it is not complicated. We have to go back to storage spaces. There, we select the option of manage storage spaces. You will see that one of the options is Change settings. We select it and then we go to physical units. We look for the unit we want to eliminate, we select the delete option and wait for the process to complete.

The function of joining several disks in a single unit can be of great help to us to protect our data. So do not hesitate to make use of this function. Also, as you can see, it is easy to use it in Windows 10.

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