How to know what version of Windows I have installed

  • It is essential to know which version of Windows is installed to ensure compatibility of programs and updates.
  • There are different methods depending on the version of Windows to access this information easily.
  • The steps vary between versions like Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, but they are easy to follow.
  • The quickest way to check the version is through the search box or by using the Windows + R key combination.

Windows versions

Although it is something that is not usual, it may there are users who do not know exactly what version of Windows they have installed on their computer. But this is something they want to know, in addition to being necessary for many things (program compatibility, updates ...). Luckily, there is a very simple way to know this information.

Windows itself, regardless of the version we have installed, offers us a way in which we can access this information. Although it is true that the form changes a bit depending on the version. But it barely takes a couple of minutes to check.

Therefore, Then we leave you with the various ways there are to know precisely what version of the operating system you have installed. Information that is important for users to know at all times. Although you will see that it is easy to have access to it. Microsoft itself provides us with some ways to find out.

Windows 7

Windows 7

If you have Windows 7 or you think you have this version of the operating system, the way to access this information is very simple. You will likely recognize that you have this version of the operating system by its appearance. In the image above you can find the appearance of the start menu in Windows 7. So if you recognize it and it is like the one on your computer, you already know what version of the operating system it is.

But, if you don't know exactly, To find out, we simply have to carry out the following steps:

  • Click on the start button
  • In the search box that comes out click the right button on Team
  • Then click on We take care of your rental property in Valencia.
  • go to Windows edition
  • There you will find the version and edition of Windows that you have installed

Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1

Again we have an image that may help you to know what version of the operating system you have installed. You can see that it differs enormously from the previous version. So this is a major change for users. In this case, the process of accessing the information that tells you what version of the operating system you have installed is different. Although it doesn't take too long. These are the steps to follow on a Windows 8.1 computer:

  • Place the mouse at the bottom right of the screen and move the mouse pointer up
  • Press on setting
  • Press on change PC settings
  • Click on PC and devices
  • Press on PC information
  • En Windows edition you find the version of Windows installed on your computer
  • En PC Type System you will be able to see if you are running the 32 or 64 bit version

With these steps you will be able to know if you have Windows 8.1 installed on your computer and what version of this specific operating system. It will just take a couple of minutes to check it.

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Related article:
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Windows 10

You may have the latest version of Microsoft's operating system. In this case, the steps to carry out are different. PBut they will help you to check if you really have Windows 10 or Windows 10 Fall Creators Update installed. You may already recognize it by the appearance of the computer or the start menu. But if this does not happen there is no need to worry. We simply have to carry out the following steps:

  • Go to search box from the taskbar
  • Write about in said box
  • Choose About your PC in the options that come out
  • Search Edition on PC to know the version of the operating system that is installed on your computer
  • Search PC version to find out what version of Windows 10 you have
  • go to PC System Type and you will see if you have the 32-bit or 64-bit version

Another way that you can use to find out the version of the Microsoft operating system that you have installed on your computer is to use a combination of keys. You have to press the key with the Windows logo + R. Then you write winver in the box that comes out and click on accept. A few seconds later, the version of the operating system on your computer will appear.

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