Learn how to set margins in Word

  • Margins are white spaces that surround text, improving readability.
  • Word offers predefined margins and the option to customize them to your needs.
  • Setting custom margins improves the visual style and formatting of documents.
  • Margins also allow for annotations and make printing easier without affecting the content.

Learn how to set margins in Word

Microsoft Word is the most used text editor worldwide. It is so popular that many versions of text editing software that have come since have been inspired by its operation. Therefore, if you know how to use this word processor, you will know how to use any other. So that you can continue taking advantage of it, we bring you a guide with which you will learn how to configure margins in Word.

A simple functionality with which you can significantly improve the appearance of your texts and make them have a more professional style. Take good note and, by the end of this article, you will be prepared to create unique documents.

What are the margins of a document?

What are the margins of a document?

Margins are white spaces that surround the text on all edges of the paper. (or the screen, if we use a text editor). They provide a visual separation between the contents of the document and the edge of the media.

Have you ever wondered what margins are for? The practice of leaving some free text space on the sides and at the top and bottom of the document has been around almost since humans began writing.

Ancient manuscripts on papyrus or parchment rolls already show the presence of margins, and it is in these documents that we can appreciate their true meaning. In ancient times, scribes left free space at the edges to prevent the ink from running or getting dirty when rolling the papyrus or parchment on itself. Leaving a part of the support free of text managed to preserve the cleanliness and legibility of the document.

With the invention of the printing press, this practice (which was already common) It was maintained, because it still had that purpose of preserving the documents. Furthermore, the margins would allow the text to be presented more organized and with a more aesthetic appearance, making it easier to read and understand. On the other hand, the margins soon became a very useful space to add comments and notes.

In short, throughout history, margins have served and serve to:

  • Preserve the integrity of the text.
  • Provide a space to hold the document without touching the text.
  • Improve the aesthetics of the document, giving it homogeneity.
  • Allow annotations.
  • Facilitate reading and understanding by visually separating the text from the edge of the paper.

How to set margins in Word?

We already know what margins are for, and it's time to see how to configure them in Word. When we open a new document in this text editor, We check that it comes with a series of pre-established parameters, including the margins.

Since the 2016 version of Word, Users have a wide variety of margins that we can easily insert. Although they may vary depending on the version of the text editor you have installed, the most common are:

  • Normal.
  • Narrow.
  • Moderate.
  • Width.
  • Reflected.

Applying these margins is as simple as following these steps:

  • Step 1. Open a document in Word.
  • Step 2. At the top of the screen, click on the “Presentation” tab. In some versions you have to access the “Layout” tab.
  • Step 3. Choose the “Margins” option.
  • Step 4. Choose from the margin options offered to you. If you wish, you can also turn Word's default margin back on from here.

Setting margins in Word is really simple, because everything in this tool has been designed to work very intuitively.

How to put custom margins in Word

How to put custom margins in Word

The margin models that Word offers us adapt well to different types of documents, but they may not be what you are looking for at this time. If so, you have the option to create your own custom margins.

Create custom margins by hand

It is a quick and easy way, but not too professional. We simply have to click with the mouse on the top part of the document (below the toolbar) and move the arrow that determines the start and end point of the text.

Create exact custom margins

We return to follow the route that We have seen when we talked about how to configure margins in Word. When looking at the available options, we also find the “Custom margins” option.

If we click on it, a pop-up window opens in which we only have to enter the values ​​that we want our margin to have. If you choose the “Apply it to the entire document” option, you avoid having to make adjustments on each page.

In case you need to constantly use a custom margin for work or studies, you can create one and set it as custom.

From the pop-up window that appears when we go to “Custom margins”, We create our margin and then click on “Set as default”. In this way, every time we open a document in Word, the margin that will be applied by default will be this. In case you need to change it at some point, now you know how to do it.

Why is it interesting to create custom margins in Word?

Why is it interesting to create custom margins in Word?

Setting your default margins can be beneficial on multiple levels:

  • Format requirements. In some companies or institutions, documents have to adapt to a very specific format, and adapting the margins can help you achieve the desired result.
  • Visual style. Well-configured margins improve the visual appearance of the text, making it more “attractive.”
  • Content adjustment. Resizing the margins can mean that more or less text fits in the same document. It is also useful to ensure that graphics or images will not be cut off.
  • Notes and comments. Expanding the margin leaves you with some extra space to add notes if necessary.
    Printing requirements. A change in the margin often makes the document easier to print.

If you know how to set margins in Word, you can use both the predefined templates and custom margins. This gives you greater control over the format and offers you flexibility when working and presenting your work. Definitely, This is a simple and easy functionality to learn to handle, but also very useful.

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