Get the most out of LibreOffice Writer with these keyboard shortcuts

  • LibreOffice Writer is a popular alternative to Microsoft Word for creating text documents.
  • Keyboard shortcuts improve efficiency when using LibreOffice Writer.
  • Shortcuts are organized into categories: general, function key-based, and specific.
  • There are shortcuts to edit text, tables and multimedia objects efficiently.

LibreOffice Writer

Although it is true that Office, Microsoft's office suite, is the most popular when creating, editing and viewing text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and other types of files, the truth is that there are those who prefer to use free software, and in this sense one of the most prominent packages is LibreOffice.

And, within the suite, LibreOffice Writer would be the replacement for Microsoft Word, popular among users when creating text documents. However, if you want to go faster, as with other programs, you can use a series of keyboard shortcuts, which will allow you to streamline processes from your Windows computer.

These are all the keyboard shortcuts that you can use with LibreOffice Writer and its functions

As we mentioned, in this case the same thing happens with LibreOffice Writer as with many other programs, and there are many possible keyboard shortcuts depending on what you want to achieve. So that you can find what you are looking for in an easier way, we have classified them in some categories: on the one hand there are the essential and generic ones, and then we will show you the ones oriented to the function keys (Fx), as well as the specific ones for certain moments.

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Generic keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcut Function
Ctrl + E Select all
Ctrl + J Justified
Ctrl + D Double underline
Ctrl + E Centered
Ctrl + H Search and Replace
Ctrl + Shift + P Superscript
Ctrl + L Align to the left
Ctrl + R To align to the right
Ctrl + Shift + B Subscript
Ctrl + Y Restore last action
Ctrl + 0 (zero) Apply the Body text paragraph style
Ctrl + 1 Apply the Heading 1 paragraph style
Ctrl + 2 Apply the Heading 2 paragraph style
Ctrl + 3 Apply the Heading 3 paragraph style
Ctrl + 4 Apply the Heading 4 paragraph style
Ctrl + 5 Apply the Heading 5 paragraph style
Ctrl + plus key (+) Calculates the selected text and copies the result to the clipboard.
Ctrl + hyphen (-) Discretionary scripts; user-defined word splitting.
Ctrl + Shift + hyphen (-) Indivisible hyphen (not used for hyphenation)
Ctrl + multiplication sign Run macro field
Ctrl + Shift + Space Indivisible spaces. Those spaces are not used in hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.
Shift + Enter Line break without paragraph change
Ctrl + Enter Manual page break
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Column break in multi-column texts
Alt + Enter Inserts a new, unnumbered paragraph into a list. It doesn't work when the cursor is at the end of the list.
Alt + Enter Insert a new paragraph directly before or after a section, or before a table.
Left arrow Move cursor left
Shift + Left Arrow Move the cursor to the left by selecting the text
Ctrl + Left Arrow Go to the beginning of the word
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Select word by word to the left
Right arrow Move cursor right
Shift + Right Arrow Move the cursor to the right by selecting the text
Ctrl + Right Arrow Go to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Select word by word to the right
Up arrow Move the cursor one line up
Shift + Up Arrow Select rows up
Ctrl + Up Arrow Move cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Select to the beginning of the paragraph. The next keystroke extends the selection to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Down arrow Move the cursor down one line
Shift + Down Arrow Select rows down
Ctrl + Down Arrow Move cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Select until the end of the paragraph. The next keystroke extends the selection to the end of the next paragraph
Home Go to the beginning of the line
Home + Shift Go and select to the beginning of a line
Lesson finish date Go to the end of the line
End + Shift Go and select to the end of the line
Ctrl + Home Go to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + Home + Shift Go to the beginning of the document with selection
Ctrl + End Go to the end of the document
Ctrl + End + Shift Go to the end of the document with selection
Ctrl + Page Up Move the cursor between the text and the heading
Ctrl + Page Down Move the cursor between the text and the footer
in the Activate or deactivate insert mode
Pág. Screen page up
Shift + Page Up Screen page up with selection
Page Av. Screen page down
Shift + Page Down Screen page down with selection
Ctrl + Del Delete the text to the end of the word
Ctrl + Backspace Delete the text up to the beginning of the word
In a list: delete an empty paragraph in front of the current paragraph
Ctrl + Del + Shift Delete the text until the end of the sentence
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Delete the text up to the beginning of the sentence
Ctrl + Tab When completing a word automatically: Next proposal
Ctrl + Shift + Tab When completing a word automatically: Previous proposal
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V Pastes the contents of the clipboard as plain text.
Ctrl + Shift + F10 With this combination you can quickly dock and undock multiple windows, including Browser and Styles.

Keyboard shortcuts based on function keys (Fx)

Keyboard shortcut Function
F2 Formula bar
Ctrl + F2 Insert fields
F3 Autofill text
Ctrl + F3 Edit automatic text
Shift + F4 Select next frame
Ctrl + Shift + F4 Open data source view
F5 Enable / disable Browser
Shift + F5 Moves the cursor to the position it was in when the document was last saved before closing.
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Browser activated, go to page number
F7 Spell check
Ctrl + F7 Synonyms
F8 Extension mode
Ctrl + F8 Enable or disable field markings
Shift + F8 Additional selection mode
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Block selection mode
F9 Update fields
Ctrl + F9 Show fields
Shift + F9 Calculate table
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Update input fields and lists
Ctrl + F10 Enable / disable non-printable characters
F11 Show or hide the Styles window
Shift + F11 Create style
Ctrl + F11 Gives focus to the Apply Style box
Ctrl + Shift + F11 Update style
F12 Activate numbering
Ctrl + F12 Insert or edit tables
Shift + F12 Activate bullet
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Disable numbering / bullets
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Keyboard shortcuts only for specific moments

Finally, there are some keyboard shortcuts that only apply in certain circumstances. Specifically, there are some that can only be used when editing text, paragraphs and titles, others aimed at editing tables, and finally others for images and frames.

Keyboard shortcuts for headings and paragraphs

Keyboard shortcut Function
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow Moves the active paragraph or selected paragraphs up one paragraph.
Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow Move, from the current or selected paragraph, one paragraph down.
Tab The title in "Title X" format (X = 1-9) is moved down one level in the structure.
Shift + Tab The title in "Title X" format (X = 2-10) is moved up one level in the structure.
Ctrl + Tab At the beginning of a title: inserts a tab. Depending on the window manager used, you can use Alt + Tab instead.
To change the levels of titles using the keyboard, you must place the cursor in front of the title before pressing the keys.

Unique keyboard shortcuts for tables

Keyboard shortcut Function
Ctrl + E If the current cell is empty: Select the entire table. Otherwise: Select the content of the current cell; if you activate this command again, it selects the whole table.
Ctrl + Home If the current cell is empty: Jump to the beginning of the table. Otherwise: It jumps with the first press to the beginning of the current cell, with the second, to the beginning of the current table and with the third, to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End If the current cell is empty: Jump to the end of the table. Otherwise: Jump with the first press to the end of the current cell, with the second, to the end of the current table and with the third, to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Tab Insert a tab (only in tables) Depending on the Window Manager used, it is possible to use Alt + Tab instead.
Alt + Navigation arrows Increase / decrease column / row at right / bottom cell border
Alt + Shift + Navigation dates Increase / decrease column / row at left / top cell border
Alt + Ctrl + Navigation arrows Equivalent to Alt, but only the active cell is modified
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Navigation arrows Equivalent to Alt, but only the active cell is modified
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Removes cell protection from all selected tables. If the cursor is anywhere in the document, that is, when no table is selected, it removes cell protection in all tables.
Shift + Ctrl + Del If no cells are fully selected, the text between the cursor and the end of the current sentence is deleted. If the cursor is at the end of a cell and no cell is fully selected, the contents of the next cell are deleted.
If an entire cell is not selected and the cursor is at the end of the table, the paragraph following the table will be deleted, unless it is the last paragraph in the document.
If one or more cells are selected, the entire rows included in the selection will be removed. If all or all rows are selected, the entire table will be dropped.
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Keyboard shortcuts for frames, images, objects and multimedia

Keyboard shortcut Function
I The cursor is inside a frame and no text is selected: Escape selects the frame.
The frame is selected: Escape removes the cursor from the frame.
F2, Enter, or any key that generates a character on the screen If a frame is selected: positions the cursor at the end of the text in the frame. If you press any key that produces a character on the screen and the document is in edit mode, that character is added to the text.
Alt + Navigation arrows Move the object.
Alt + Ctrl + Navigation arrows Resize by scrolling the right / bottom border.
Alt + Ctrl + Navigation arrows Resize by moving the left / top edge.
Ctrl + Tab Select an object's anchor (in Edit Points mode).

Source: LibreOffice

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